View Full Version : Migraine !

20-06-08, 21:14
Hi there, have recently been diagnosed with Migraine. Arnt they just the worse thing ever. No need to tell you what I was Convinced I had?
Does any one else suffer? They are just so scary and I realy Panic x

20-06-08, 21:18
i suffered cluster migranes when stressed and they really hurt and yes u r right i thought i had a lot worse until doc put me straight. i think certain foods like cheese and choc etc can cause them too and caffeine

20-06-08, 21:20
Thanks Donna, Its the way they make you feel after too. So tired and low.
Will have to cut down on tea and ciggarettes X

20-06-08, 21:38
Fortunately I very rarely get headaches (not at the moment anyway) but my best friend get the most dreadful migraines at least once a week. They are so intense she has to take to her bed.

She is on special medication from the doctor and has had acupuncture but no relief as yet.

She has been advised to take the herb feverfew http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/ate/neurology/204987.html

You could try this.:)

02-08-08, 21:06
Hi Dotcom,
Yes they are b*****y scary. They can even make you face droop apparently !! I've had migraines for years and sometimes have to have an injection as I can't even keep the tablet down. I haven't had the pleasure of the droop yet and I can't say that I want one either !!!!!!!!!!! But the tablets and injections are good. Migraines always knock me for six too I just zonk out.:)

02-08-08, 23:04
yep just been diagnosed myself as having migraines :( Have been given Zapain which work pretty well so touch wood can keep them at bay.

I was scared too cos had a migraine/headache for a week and nothing would shift it, was over my eye and made me feel sick..... hubby bought me flowers for our anniversary and I think the lilly in it started me off :(

Luckily chocolate doesn't trigger me but wine sometimes does :(


C xx

02-08-08, 23:12
ya i have had bad migraines for 12 years now-dizzyness-auro-speach problems0 nausea-pain..............
take feverfew its a hearb that really helps prevent migraines.

Rachey poos
02-08-08, 23:17
funny cos the other day I was sat relaxed when all of a sudden my vision in my right eye went funny like a shimmering/heat haze with prism colours...I thought I was having a stroke and my mother in law laughed and said it was a painless migrane...and not to worry...but of course I thought I was dying! It lasted about 10 mins and after it had a feeling like someone had dragged me eyeballs out me head and kicked them around the street for a bit and plopped em back in me head!!!!! with a bit of a sicky feeling attached to it! WOuld you say it was a silent migrane or a stroke!

03-08-08, 11:02

I also suffer from migraines, mine come especially when im particularly stressed therefore i have to ensure that i dont get stressed firstly!

I have been taking a herbal remedy from holland and barrett now called 5-htp which in america is very successful in treating migraines as it said to increase serotonin levels in your brain. It is when out levels get low that our migraines come out due to being more anxious or stressed. I would highly recommend these tablets to anyone. They have helped me with not only reducing my migraines but also feeling depressed and anxious. You can buy them from sights such as natures best & holland and barrett. They are more expensive than a prescription for something synthetic however i have found work briliantly. I would be a wreck without them

Best Wishes

Nicola xxx

05-08-08, 18:13
Hi Dotcom, I used to suffer terrible migraines but I seemed to grow out of them in my early 50s. One thing that i found helped was a very warm wheatbag placed on the back of my head just where it meets the neck.might be worth a try for you too.