View Full Version : Falling over sensation..........

20-06-08, 21:35
Hi :D

For the past week my anxiety has been really high. I am suffering with anx/panic/agoraphobia, when I go out for a walk with hubby I feel just like I did when this first started happening. I have a terrible sensation that I am going to fall and I need to hold onto something. This week I have been grabbing hold of poor hubby everytime we go out for a walk.:mad:

Has anyone else experienced this sensation? it is driving me mad:blush:

:hugs: :hugs: to everyone.


'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

eternally optimistic
20-06-08, 21:39
Hi Diane

I can relate to that.

I got very anxious last summer and that was common for me.

Im purposely made myself go for a walk, albeit frightening, on my own as I knew that I would be housebound if I didnt. It took a while to relax about it but knew I had to get through it.

I sometimes, even now, get the blurry vision and unstable feeling when out and about...

Keep at it.


21-06-08, 01:08
Definitely one of my problems, especially going outside and walking. It is especially bad if it is hot. And yet walking is such great exercise. I have to admit I've gotten away from going for walks as my anxiety has been bad lately, and it "is" summer now. And it actually does get hot here in Canada in the summer!!! I'm not really fond of our incredibly cold winters, but winter is easier for me and my anxiety... I can get this same sensation in big stores too...

21-06-08, 01:37
i have the same problem with the son and heat summer is a nice time for some
and i think that makes it worse for me i am ment to take pills for my panicy
and over rashanle feeling but thay do more damage then there bloody worth
deazypan mess with my stumack and i am not off the bloody loo so want am i really meant to do just stil there and hope it will pass as we all know it feels for ever before it can pass.

i am guessing its what you would feel if you looked in the future and saw your self been killed but no time was given but its looked near to the time you was at.
i don't know maybe i been silly but my depresson panic and parrainer are all linked some how its like there is something i need to know before i could link
them up but there is thing i can see what it could be since i was 7 i felt like this. i am now 20 scart for life not just inside but all the cutting i have done and all the stress i have gone thought.
but when i look at others my life sees so good but why don't i feel that why can't i see the good things i ask my self are thay really there am i really here.
i really think one day i will be in a nut house. well if i carrie on that might be sooner then later.

21-06-08, 09:28
I know exactly what you mean. I go through phases when i feel like im going to topple forwards, but i do know that when im thinking about it its much worse, especially when im alone walking. Ive had to stop so many times and hold onto walls benches etc.... but ive never really toppled forward! I also get it if im standing talking to someone, i feel like i need to hold onto something because im going to topple, somtimes i think people think im so weird as i start slowly edging towards anything solid while in conversation and they kind of slowley follow me! How nuts is that!!!!
I find if i keep striding forward and and trying to be confident the feeling does go away, but it is an absolutely horrible sensation, and yes if hubby is there im always grabbing onto him too!!!
Totally relate to you, you arent alone :) HUGS xxxx

21-06-08, 13:35
Thanks for the replies folks:)

I know this sensation is horrible, but, after reading your posts I feel alot better now:D I was beginning to think that it was me:blush: and I was starting to crack up or something, as I haven't felt like this since everything first started happening 3yrs ago. You are right Poppy, I have never fallen over yet, even though I am convinced I am going to and yes, it gets worse if I stand still talking to someone. The urge to run home sreaming like a mad woman becomes sooo strong:ohmy: I am going to try to ignore it from now on and not let it bother me and as you say try to be confident when out walking.

Thanks again for the reasurrance ppl it has put my mind to rest.

:hugs: :hugs: to you all.


'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

21-06-08, 17:45
Hi Dianes

I hope and it is not my intention to diminish how you have felt with this horrible feeling. I have suffered it on many occassions myself. When I read the thread I remembered being on my knees once hanging on to a lampost for dear life because i was so convinced i was gonna fall over. LOL I havent been like that for a good long while and it made me smile. Actually i could site an endless list of times i musta looked like a total loon in public because of that feeling lol.
You aren't alone

Pooh xxx

21-06-08, 21:27
yes i can def relate to this. i have it everyday i find it hard to go out esp in super markets feel like im gonna fall and i go sll dizzy i have to hold onto my sons pushchair to try and keep me from feeling like im gonna fall over hope it passes xx

22-06-08, 09:03
This is me totally!! I always feel like I am about to fall over!