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View Full Version : How effective is rescue remedy for panic, realistically??

21-06-08, 12:32
I was wandering, with panic how effective is RR??

Is its intention to be used for slight anxiety and stresful moments in life and thats it or can it successfully combat a full blown panic attack??

Do the herbs really help the things they say they help (i.r rock rose for panic, cherry plum for irrational thoughts) or is this just a marketing ploy to sell more of the product??

Or do you think the product works basically on a placebo effect? ( i.e you know you have taken something good for you and so therefore your mind calms itself down anyway)?

Your opinions guys and gals

Also is there a limit to the amount of times you can use the product in a day or a set time interval you should wait between each spray??

I have the spray where you put two drops on your tongue

Thanks my friends


21-06-08, 13:08
Hi Dave.
From my experience is doesnt work, i know there are loads of people out there who swear by it, but for my anxiety levels it doesnt touch them (maybe its better for mild anx?). I personally think if anything its a placebo effect, i recon you could drink the whole bottle and nothing would happen to you. I was advised by a psychiatrist though not to use it if taking anti-depressents cos it may interfere with them.
Its worth a go though as there is evidence to suggest herbs can have very powerful effects, but i still think it has alot to do with if you believe in it or not.
Sorry, i hate to sound negative, im sure lots of other people will post positive experiences with it. Its down to the individual thats why its best if you give it a go yourself. Really hope it works for you. Good Luck :)

21-06-08, 13:16
Hi Dave

I use it, but only when my anxiety is low. It wouldnt work for me if im having a really anxious day.

You can use it as many times as u need.

love mandie x

21-06-08, 14:42
I was advised by a psychiatrist though not to use it if taking anti-depressents cos it may interfere with them.

I would question this as it is safe to take with any medication. He wasn't thinking it was like St John's Wort was he cos there are precautions with this?

I have RR in the car with me and take it when I feel anxious as well. It may be a placebo effect but seems to calm me down.