View Full Version : Is it normal? please help

21-06-08, 14:40
Is it normal to not have hardly any physical symptoms of anxiety.........but still feel mentally "off" and continue to be in deep thought most of the day? Because I don't have the anxious "feeling" I just feel my mind in unclear and I have many negative thoughts.

21-06-08, 15:35
Do you think you could be having feelings of depression ?

Depression is not always accompanied with anxiety, but usually can change through different stages.


21-06-08, 17:20
I agree with Katie. Possibly more depression than anxiety.


21-06-08, 17:47
i agree definately souns more akin to depression rather than anxiety

Pooh x

22-06-08, 09:39
It doesnt sound like anxiety to me, but im not a soctor, the only thing i can say is i get awfull anxiety and panic attacks, but not the symptoms you are explaing, so i would be inclined to say like the others that it does sound more of a depression, your doc will be able to help you with this

22-06-08, 10:09
hiya sounds like depression to me hun, try to keep busy and less thinking time cos its makes u feel terrible when feeling in a negative mood and it makes u feel sad, angry, hurt etc. mayb write a little list of all the good things u would like to do in your life and start planning little bit at a time xx

23-06-08, 00:22
Ok here is my problem this has been going on for years it gets better but now its bad again for the last 5 months i been getting bad heart palpataions excuse my spelling there are times it get bad and other times it is ok but never good i been getting them everyday for about 5 or 6 months now i cant remember when i did not get them i always think i am going to die now i had an ekg done been to the hospital all the blood test i got nothing my doctor put me on lopressor it worked for a while well not really and its happening again i am not sure if i am having heart problems or not i mean i mean this is going on for years on and off but never this long for like 6 months str8 i mean its hard to deal with i am 31 yr old guy not really fat about 6'2 245 um i dont know i really think i am going to go nuts i get crazy feelings in my chest then sometimes i get bad pains i dont know what else to do i been to the hospital several times each time thinking this was it i dont know were else to turn has anyone else ever felt like this please let me know i need to ease my mind and the messed up part is i am going away for 10 days on Wed and i am scared when i am on the plane i am going to have a heart attack or this is going to happen its a 6 hr flight i am super nervous but i promised my gf i would take her away so i am doing it lol but serious is there anyone out there who has had this happen and if i did have heart problems after 6 months or even years but bad the last 6 months something would have happen already i just need to know am i going nuts or dyin or wut thanks sorry if you guys think i sound stupid just dont know who to talk to i am u know a guys guy i dont really discuss this stuff thanks for any feed back :)

26-06-08, 02:52
does anyone get what i get just wondering