View Full Version : Any Tips For Making Labour Start????

21-06-08, 17:49
Hi All:D

Bit of an odd one here:ohmy:

Does anyone have any tips on what you can do to make labour start???

My third grandchild is due today and my Daughter in law is going insane cos she is so big!!!!

She has tried eating pineapple:shrug: and walking miles but number three dont want to come along!!!!

Im sure I remember there are other things that work but was so long ago I had mine I dont remember!!!!:whistles:

Anyone got any ideas:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-06-08, 18:23

A bit of the old "how's you father" is supposed to work sometimes too!! :winks:

Spicy food
walking up and down the stiars
a conversation with Jaco ( that would set me off and i'm not even pregnant) pmfsl

Let us know what happens!

Love Lisa

21-06-08, 18:26
lmao :roflmao:

i think Lisa have covered it all x

jodie xx

21-06-08, 18:33
a hot curry and a bit of the other :winks:

21-06-08, 18:41
I've heard that drinking raspberry leaf tea works x

21-06-08, 19:22
Clary Sage is meant to be good, but you have to be very careful with it. Best ask the pharmicist or aromatherpist on this one.


Granny Primark
21-06-08, 20:11
A hot curry.
Or better still a drink of castor oil with orange juice in.

21-06-08, 21:42
Thanks Peeps:hugs:

Have passed the tips on:yesyes:

Fingers crossed eh???

Keep ya all posted:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-06-08, 21:59
My 5th grandchild was due wed just gone,i took my daughter to the hospital on friday for her check-up,and they admitted her to the antinatal ward as she had high blood pressure.

They have been monitoring her since, her blood pressure is up and down at the mo.
Anyway today they did what you call a sweep,and this is supposed to help things on the way,so they say.

But the way i look at it is baby will come when ready.
Hope all goes well for your daughter-inlaw.

22-06-08, 10:32

A bit of the old "how's you father" is supposed to work sometimes too!! :winks:

Spicy food
walking up and down the stiars
a conversation with Jaco ( that would set me off and i'm not even pregnant) pmfsl

Let us know what happens!

Love Lisa

pmsl Lisa :roflmao:

I dont have any tips hun but hope the little one makes an appearance soon :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

22-06-08, 11:00
good luck kazzie on doing your granny duties hehe and with all this advice she should have some fun trying all these things. abit of hows your father whilst eating a hot curry, drinking rasberry tea then after all that a few sessions of sprinting up and down the stairs hahaha. you know your thread has made me giggle. good luck to u and your family kazzie and u keep smiling hun xxx

22-06-08, 16:28
Thanks Everyone:D

Well still no baby:doh:

Maybe I should sent Jaco round to scare her into giving birth:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Kaz x xx :hugs: