View Full Version : Why does this happen?

21-06-08, 18:35
Evening Everyone.
This morning I got up feeling almost normal.I sat,had a cup of tea and did a few jobs. Then in an instant my head started to feel 'cotton-wholly',you know that horrible muzzy feeling.I didn't feel particularly anxious,tired etc.This feeling has stayed with me all day and when I went shopping, at times, it was hard to stay focused as I felt like I was in a dream-like state.
This is a pretty much daily occurence for me irrespective of how anxious I'm feeling. Any ideas anyone?

21-06-08, 19:39
I don't have any Ideas but I now exactly how you feel! This happens to me everyday as well.......even when i'm not anxious......and I have went shopping to get my mind off of it and I couldn't focus either I just ended up leaving with nothing (which is unusual for me) I just felt "weird" Do you feel like your mind is in a "rut" because thats how I feel.

21-06-08, 20:39
Not sure what you mean by a 'rut' but I certainly feel like I am on automatic pilot alot of the time.I feel disconnected and disassociated from my surroundings,almost like I'm in a trance.I hate it so much and like you I sometimes leave not having got what I went for. I think this is depersonalisation,the bodies way of protecting itself from stress overload.
Trying not to give in though although I'm not sure if that helps or not.
Good to know I can share experiences even if they are a bit weird:ohmy:

22-06-08, 11:32
Hi Sandy

I get this alot. It starts when im anxious but then stays with me even when i think im not anxious

love mandie x

24-06-08, 19:04
What about blood sugar?? Sometimes if your blood sugar is low it can make u feel odd:shrug: