View Full Version : Really scared and worried now!!

21-06-08, 18:49
As some of you know my main worry is lymphoma.
I am now on tablets(Propranalol) which i started taking 6 days ago for migraines and health anxiety.
I have in the last couple of days had itching on the palms of my hands. My husband has reassured me that when he started on beta blockers that he had itchy hands but i remember reading somewhere(when i used to google) that itchy palms of hands was a sign of lymphoma.
I am totally freaking out now and feel sooo scared!!I have been fine this week and was actually starting to feel better with the HA.
Please can anyone reassure me that this could possibly be a side effect of the tablets.
Thanks xxx

21-06-08, 19:00

i am not sure if this will help but i have this all the time most days im not on any meds ect

jodie xxx

21-06-08, 19:04
Ok Ive just had a nosy on the net, and itchy hands is common!! its due to the nerves and the meds!!!! its a side effect and will ware off!

Having been on Beta's before, I know you can get slow release tablets which have less side effects :hugs: I hope that makes you feel better.

I also find it easier to keep reminding myself, I have health anxiety and this is what I do, worry I have an illness and dont :doh: DOH

21-06-08, 19:06
Hi Jelly,

I cant help you on the side effects, but I must say well done if you are in control of your googling. I cant seem to stop that one. Although, I have today. I do know that quite a few anti depressents and beta blockers can cause itching, but propanol in particular. I dont know.

Try not to worry to much

Emma x

21-06-08, 19:06
Hi Kimmy and jodie
Thanks for the replies.
Yes it does make me feel better. I am actually on the slow release ones although i darent look on the net for fear of what i may read.
Does it actually say a side effect of beta blockers is itchy hands?
Thanks xx

21-06-08, 20:05
of any meds for anx/depression- its to do with the blood moving around body and the nerves. I did experience tingling hands which made me feel like i had to itch them and rub them too! I'd try not to worry hun, remember you know you have health anxiety and thats all it is !!!

21-06-08, 20:23
Awww thanks Kimmy.
I really dont feel like taking anymore of them. If i am honest when the itching wears off they feel sort of tingly.
OH is telling me I havent given them enough time!!!!
and i need to carry on with them!!!

25-06-08, 22:24
I would give it time, I think there the best thing I have ever done!! obviously when the symptooms worn off anyway. If you truely dont feel they work for you then talk with your gp, counselling worked too and reading about it for me was a benefit (having knowledge made me feel in control) Just go with what you feel you need to do, that last thing you need is to be feeling rubbish becuase of your meds xx