View Full Version : The Old Friend

22-06-08, 02:25
Why dose the feeling come back ? after so long of not needing to it just comes back like the feeling i have every day i wake up to remind me today
is going to be a hell of a day.

Self Harming i thought for me was a thing of a past but seems its not the
thoughts are back the feeling is back. :(

I don't know i just for some reason have the need to cut again this really dose
not do any justise for me as i might lose the right to see my son if i do i might
even lose the right to see my little girl also.


Lost for words now.

22-06-08, 09:01
hiya hun listen its really hard when we fall back into that horrid dark place but you can pull yourself out. you need to focus on your kids and anythinn positve that you want in your life and work from that. from support you get on here try to grab that and be strong. little things like sticking to a routine every day get up same time chores, keep busy, dont give yourself to much time to dwell on negative stuff. i had bad dep years ago and got better, i had no support no one understood and i didnt want to be on meds forever, so i did it myself started exercising forced myself every day and god did i look a wreck but after a month i felt loads better and cos i was actually doing something good i felt motivated postive and happier. i lost weight and came off the meds and i still exercise now i brisk walk loads every day. find your strength in u and fight this. xxxhugs xx

22-06-08, 10:53

i think Donna is spot on with her reply

you need to think of the positive,s keep your self busy and try not to think to deep ,it feel even harder to cope with when we have been ok for a while it hits you very hard but you have reason to fight so try do it for your kids get all the help you can from your doctor ect

Jodie x

22-06-08, 13:47
Thanks for the replys guys means alot i understand where you are coming from i really do
but there is a problem with all that i have not control over my sleeping pantens i am wating to see another doctor that will well i hope manage my
depresson more then i used to be able to i am doing things to keep busy just like my site in my Sig and i am hoping to do collage in Sep really looking forward to that but even on the rare good days i don't really feel good if you
know what i mean, but i thought the cutting feeling was gone i was able to cope better without that feeling everyday.
I don't know it might just be a passing feeling but how its around dose make coping that more harder for me.

22-06-08, 17:03
so sorry for you, hun as the others say stay focused on the positve even if its only a little one for now.

Things will get better you know they will, could just be a little blip hun.

Good luck

22-06-08, 17:17

Im really sorry you feel like that.

I know it is hard to stay focused and not do anything. Keep thinking of those children

22-06-08, 18:26

Im really sorry you feel like that.

I know it is hard to stay focused and not do anything. Keep thinking of those children

thanks all :) :bighug1::bighug1:

I know its not easy to stay facused but i don't think i will do it not now but the bloody feeling is bad but you know i get by i am still on here :)

and working on my site url in sig :) so maybe i will get some hope out of that well if it takes off that is :)