View Full Version : Feeling really bad

22-06-08, 07:33
Hi, I've had a really bad night and I hoped someone could calm me down as Im convinced Im dying of something.

First of all last year I had the flu and my under arms were really achy esp my left one, I got really paranoid about cancer so I poked it a lot. In the end I stopped poking it and it felt better but every now and again my arm would feel weird, kind of like somebody was squeezing the top of it, the more I thought about it the worse it was, it also felt uncomfortable to sleep on that side, like someone was jabbing me in the ribs.

This year ive been really stressed and then I hurt my left shoulder in feb and again in may while lifting stuff at work. It doesnt hurt all the time just some days and is worse at night when trying to get comfy. My shoulder blade also hurts. I have noticed I have really bad posture and slouch to the left a lot Idont know if that makes it worse. I have also got tender ribs and sort of stitch like pains down my sides if I sit for two long.

This week Ive been ill with a virus thing and I ache all over but mostly my shoulders/knees/throat/ears.I also have a chesty cough and my lungs ache when I cough. During the night last night I got up to go to the bathroom and fainted and fell face first on the floor. Im so scared all these things relate to each other and Ive got something really wrong with me.

Ive been to the doctors but they said I was just stressed and my shoulder was just a pulled muscle Im to scared to go back incase they tell me bad news. Im just so worried I cant cope with this anymore.

22-06-08, 07:47
so sorry, you feel so ill. It really does sound like the virus on top of your heightened anxiety. Go back to the Drs on Monday & get him to check you over for peace of mind.
I hope you have a better day.
Max x

22-06-08, 08:04
Thanks Max, I feel dreadful right now, my boyfriend had this last week and ended up in hospital because he passed out in my car and I was terrified so I think Im still stressed out about that to. And my face hurts from landing on it when I fainted ouch, going to try get some sleep now!

22-06-08, 09:08
hiya and im sorry all wots happend but go back to docs just for peace of mind then once u know u r ok, try to keep busy and not spend to much time thnking. anxiety will make u feel alot worse than u r but u can get better. viruses bring us down too so make sure u eat well lots of green veg and white meats and fruit.