View Full Version : Worried About Polyps

22-06-08, 07:49
Hi all...

About a year ago I had an endoscopy for my acid reflux symptoms and they found 10 fundic gland ployps in my stomach... They are benign and they removed them then and there. They also did a colonoscopy a few days later to check for more polyps there, but thankfully there were none. Now it is a year later and I had another endoscopy as they wanted to follow up... They found and removed 10 more fundic gland polyps. They said I do not need a colonoscopy this year as the last one had been clear...

The problem is that I googled :weep: While fundic gland polyps are totally benign, they are related to an inherited disorder called familial adenomatous polyposis (or something to that effect) which always results in colon cancer. So of course I freaked! My dad, who is a gastrenterologist and who was present at both my endoscopies, says there is nohing to worry about and that I do not have that and that my colonoscopy was clear. But I am still panicking! Since I had so many stomach polyps and since I once had a sebaceous cyst on my back (these cysts are also listed as being related to the disorder I mentioned) I cannot help thinking the worst!

Has anyone ever had these polyps or had any experience like this? Please help! My health anxiety had been ok for so long and now I feel it coming back and I am scared :weep:

Thanks a lot!


22-06-08, 08:48
hi lola i cant really help with your problem but just wanted to say hi and if it says you are clear try to believe that in your mind and please please please dont google it our worst enemy at times and i ghve done it and caused me mega panic. hugs and stay positve hun and keep busy to stop yourself thinking to much xxx

22-06-08, 08:52
If your dad says it's OK it's OK, he knows more than us about those things, trust and believe him.:yesyes:

22-06-08, 09:35
hiya lola im sorry you are feeling scared atm, please try to belive your dad im sure he would not lie to you about this, if he thought there was at risk i think he would be telling you to keep an eye out for other things related as well. sending you some hugs and i hope you feel better soon

take care


22-06-08, 10:37
Hi Lola,

I cant help you with this health issue, but to let you know I am in a similar situation at the moment. I have got some cysts in my breast. Doc said there fine, dont need referral etc. But im convinced they are going to turn into cancer? So I check them about every 30 minutes. So really I guess im just letting you know, that this must be part of our anxiety thing and not the reality of things.

Try not to worry (Impossible I know)

Emma xxx

22-06-08, 11:05
Thanks Donna and Trixie and Kellie :) I know I have to trust the doctors, but then the irrational thoughts come up and it is hard to stay sane!!! But I do feel a bit more calm now - it comes and goes...

Emma - thanks for the note... Don't worry about your cysts - my sister had one and they removed it and it was totally benign. I am sure your dcotor would have referred you if it was even slightly a concern. Isn't it amazing how we can say that to others and believe it, but we do not believe it when it's about ourselves??!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh health anxiety!!!! :D


22-06-08, 15:14
Hi Lola,

You can say that again, I can answer posts from others and see the logic, but when someone says something logical to me, it doesnt sink in. Its the negative that sinks in. Guess we keep fighting it and eventually WE will win, not the anxiety.

Emma xx

23-06-08, 10:43
They removed the ones from your stomach right?

So no cancer will be forming there and you will continue to have a camera every year so they can keep an eye on any mre forming.

Are you worried because you didn't have another colonoscopy??

You only need one every three years, my mum has polyps and the Dr sais if you went any earlier they might be too small to remove and it takes YEARS for polyps to turn inito cancer

As long as you keep a check at the right time you are totally fine.

You might want to get some councelling or meds for the anxiety all this has caused you

Poor thing, you will be just fine, lucky your dad is a is a Dr!!!!!:bighug1:

23-06-08, 11:10
Thanks Joyce :) Yes - I was worried that my polyps were related to a rare genetic disorder that results in colon cancer, but as you said - I had no sign of any colon polyps last year and apparently if I did have this rare condition, I would have had hundreds of colon polyps already! So I have decided to listen to the doctors for a change and try to take my mind off it. Whew!

Thanks so much for your post!
