View Full Version : moles..........

22-06-08, 09:39
hi all,

this is a weird question but thought id ask anyway, ive had some great advice on here in the past..

i have a large mole on the back of my neck that i was born with.its been fine my whole life except for the odd hairdresser poking it with scissors..ouch.lol

even had it checked a few months ago by skin cancer ppl- all fine

last weekend for some reason my hair got tangled around it and made it go swollen and sore. hubby ( poor thing) tonight has finally gotten tweezers and
removed almost all the hair from around it- it was strangeling the mole- ewww i know i know.....:blush:

my question is- has this happened to anyone else on here or am i the only freak that weird things like this happen to? and if so how long after the hair etc was removed did the swelling go down?

ive been panicky,of course, and almost fainted when he removed hair..of course now its very sore since i was just given mini surgery..hehe...any ideas?

im guessing ice might help here.......

22-06-08, 10:05
hiya and ouch sounds painful hun, but u will find that it will swell abit after being strangled so please dont panic. give it a few days and it will go down and it wont be tender anymore. anyway wanna send u a hugs and please dont worry xxxxxx