View Full Version : Physical v Mental

22-06-08, 14:05
Im on a down day i know i am, i have been feeling worse all week and today im alone again and anxious.

Im just venting my thoughts really and none of what i type is meant to offend.

I have just been thinking while sitting in the garden, if there was something physically wrong with me, poeple would rush around taking care of me, helping me where ever possible, i would feel safe and cared for, wrapped up and cocooned.
But as i have GAD/depression and it is a mental condition, yes, people are sympathetic but when it comes down to it, they support you while they can but then leave you to get on with it with statements such as 'Dont let this thing beat you, you are stronger than this' and 'keep pushing pushing face up to this anxiety'! They wouldnt be saying that if i had a broken leg or had a physical disability instead of a mental one!

I feel like i need looking after, i feel i need people to accept im ill and help me when i tell them i need it, and make me feel safe and cared for... and they have in he past, but now it seems like enoughs enough, get on with it now, you've got to fight this thing yourself!!!! No wonder i end up wishing i was physically ill instead!

This is such a lonely condition, and one that saps all the strength you did have to get better..... theres no 'oh yes Ms Brown, a bone takes around 6 weeks to mend itself then you'll be as right as rain'...... no, my psychiatrist says i can give you no answers, i cant tell you, its like how long is a peice of string, but i can say that 6 months with your condition and that of all the patients i see is like a drop in the ocean!!! Bl*ody marvellous!!!!


22-06-08, 14:33
Totally agree with you sweetheart, its a pain in the ar*e isn't it?
I get so frustrated, if we had broken legs people wouldn't dream of saying get on with it.

I also feel that some people think I am putting it on, but jaysus I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy.

I think that is you and me totally vented for today popsy.

Take care hun



22-06-08, 14:44
Hi Popsy

What a great post and so totally true

22-06-08, 14:44
I feel like i need looking after, i feel i need people to accept im ill and help me when i tell them i need it, and make me feel safe and cared for...


There should be separate meetings between health care professionals and immediate family members. This could be a short meeting, but it should be mandatory. I think family members would be more supportive if they heard directly from the doctor what was needed on their part to help with recovery.

I know this is a long shot Charlie . . . but have you tried giving any family members a book to read, perhaps? To be honest, any "outsiders" are really clueless . . . *totally* clueless.

Anna C
22-06-08, 15:04
Hi Charlie

I agree with everyone else. Your post probably sums up one of the reasons
why I haven't told anyone about my anxiety.

Noone giving advice when they don't know what its like, or telling me to snap out of it, or thinking i'm attention seeking. It is lonely and tiring.

Take care Anna

22-06-08, 17:16
Great post hun and totally true

:bighug1: mandie xx

22-06-08, 17:52
what a really good post. You are so right.


milly jones
22-06-08, 17:56
pops ur so right hun

sometimes, when i was working, id think if i was in a car crash ppl would come to see me, ring check i was ok.

ive been off 3 months, 3 phone calls from another teacher. ive phoned each sick note and let them know for cover.

i know im ill, but i feel that others take mental illness as weakness.

i hope one day that the world wakes up and sees us as we see each other here.

milly xx

22-06-08, 19:22
i totally agree with this post it's like were just left to get on with it!
i got told by my cbt not to rely on others cuz we will start to need them to much!
but from my point of view i can only go out when i have some1 with me so how is having no1 there gunna make me better i woudnt leave the house if this was the case!:wacko:
the biggest thing is that people don't understand!and most people wont take the time to understand!

23-06-08, 02:38
When we feel like this, a good place to start looking for local support is to look up your local MIND group because they often offer services that can help us. They also often have links to other organisations.

I've been looking at your area Charlie and I've found a few links that may help you. I'll pm them to you.

Do you go out or are you able to get out? Often when we're stuck indoors, it allows us to "think" too much and those thoughts then trigger symptoms and those symptoms then trigger more thoughts in a neverending cycle leaving us feeling totally depressed and even more alone.

I know when people are agoraphobic it feels impossible to get out but if we feel able, a change of scenery can work wonders for our mood, especially if we're also able to find an interest or hobby where we can mix with others.

We only feel ill because our minds often have too much time to focus on worrying thoughts and the symptoms they produce. Our minds are very active and boredom can be our worst enemy.:hugs:

23-06-08, 09:22
Hi Popsy


I know exactly what you mean its crap. I have sometimes thought, ok if i fall down these stairs and break something it'll be better, I'll have something to show. How crazy is that? wanting to inflict pain on yourself to have the help, compassion, care, patience and understanding that you should get because you are ill.

Bex xxx

24-06-08, 03:40
No Bex, it's Not crazy.:hugs:

I used to get those thoughts alot. I used to think how good it would be laid up in a bed in hospital being cared for by nurses just for a break from reality!

People can't understand because anxiety is something they've never experienced and can't see so there is alot of stigma attached to mental conditions which is very sad because there is no such thing as a "normal" person because we're all just different so suffer from different things.

Help, compassion, care, patience and understanding shouldn't be bargained for because they should be offered freely without cost to the sufferer. All I can say, is that there are those who will never provide these qualities but there are also plenty who will and you'll find lots of these caring people on here, including no doubt yourself.:hugs:

24-06-08, 13:34
We need to accept the fact that people are not going to always give us the care, attention and understanding that WE think they should be giving. People are busy. Life is very tough for everyone, not just us. THEY have trials and tribulations of their own that they are dealing with each and every day. WE seem to be very "passively" demanding of others -- and feel hurt and shunned when we do not get the support and understanding that we think we should received from others. So we say that they do not understand, or that they do not care, or if only they could have what we have they would understand better. Well, life isn't going to work out to be that way. So the best thing to do is accept it -- just like we talk about acceptance in our own day to day sufferings. But others are truly a PART of our own suffering -- so we need to accept their faults and shortcomings, just like every other aspect, and continue to move forward. Just a few of my thoughts on the matter.

24-06-08, 14:36
Anxiety disorders can turn us into the most self absorbed, selfish and demanding people on earth. Before we actually judge others and evalute how we think we should be being treated, I think we should actually step back for a brief moment and look at and consider what we are actually giving out to the world at this moment in our lives.