View Full Version : Getting scared again

22-06-08, 14:56
I have been suffering from upper left abdominal pain and bloating for a few weeks, and have recently been to see the doctor about it. She had a feel of my tummy, and said everything felt soft and normal, and prescribed me some anti-spasmodics and anti-depressants.

I have only taken 5 doses so far, so I know its too early to expect any improvement. But now I am scared. I have developed upper back pain as well now, so I googled it, and found Pancreatic Cancer.

I also have lower back pain, but I assumed this was caused by lifting my 21lb baby son.

I am just so very scared again! Has anyone else had pains like this?


22-06-08, 23:05
Your pain my be related to your back problems rather than your bowel. I have severe damage to my spine and I get pain in all sorts of weird places like under my ribs or in my navel and have spent years having endless tests to rule out anything serious. My health anxiety always says what if this times its not your spine!!!!

If you want reassurance ask you Dr for abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds as these would show up any problems from your pancreas gallbladder kidneys etc down to your ovaries and uterus.

If these are all normal then its either irritable bloated bowel and or back problems as you say from lifting your little bruiser!

23-06-08, 08:50
I have been suffering from upper left abdominal pain and bloating for a few weeks, and have recently been to see the doctor about it. She had a feel of my tummy, and said everything felt soft and normal, and prescribed me some anti-spasmodics and anti-depressants.

I have only taken 5 doses so far, so I know its too early to expect any improvement. But now I am scared. I have developed upper back pain as well now, so I googled it, and found Pancreatic Cancer.

I also have lower back pain, but I assumed this was caused by lifting my 21lb baby son.

I am just so very scared again! Has anyone else had pains like this?


Hi Kaz - sounds just like mine. I've been suffering since 8th May - upper updominal discomfort and upper back pain. Like you I've done the googling and I also found pancreatic cancer - scared the pants off myself :scared15: . I've had bloods done and an upper abdo ultra-sound and all is clear. I'm back at the doctor today for the 4th visit and I think this time he request the endoscopy. I'm not too bad as I'm currently on lansoprazole but it's still bothering me. This weekend has been good but last Monday after my evening meal, I was so bloated and full up - it last until Thursday, then on Friday I had a pressure feeling near my sternum. Only Sat & Sun, it felt better. There are so many people on this forum with similar symptoms and it's amazing how the doctors are treating us all differently. I guess I'm lucky with my GP. He ordered bloods straight away (FBC, Liver, pancreas, gall bladder and H.Pylori) and initially I was put on Omeprazole. AFter 2 weeks I returned because the tablets weren't even touching the sides. He then put me on Lansoprazole which improved things and I had ultrasound on gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, liver, kidneys - he's been monitoring me on a 2 week basis. As I said though, back today for the next stage........

I think the key is to be persistent with the GP. Just seems odd she prescribed anti-depressants for your stomach? :huh: Dont worry about the upper back pain though - my GP said it's a typical indigestion symptom. If you think about it and how narrow inside our body it is, it would make sense for the pain to radiate to the back. Mine is exactly in the same position on the back as the front (if that makes sense)? Like you could draw a line through me.

23-06-08, 09:10
OOh we should have a sin bin for googling i think on Health Anxiety forum, LOL only joking, I am guilty of this also.

I have had upper back pain with indigestion. It went on for ages, it has stopped now.

I can't give much more advice, just don't google hun, and am thinking of you!


23-06-08, 19:03
Thankyou for your replies!

I am still feeling pretty much the same, the back pain comes and goes, it tends to coincide with the bloating and the passage of wind, so I still think its my digestive system thats causing it. Perhaps my back is under stress from lifting the baby to start with as well.

The doctor prescribed me anti-depressants for my anxiety, as she feels that is the underlying cause of my digestive discomfort.

I haven't felt fantastic today. I have tried to just get on with things and not think about it, but it has been difficult. I had a gnawing sensation in my stomach for most of the day today, and some pain, though not too much.

Hopefully I will get to the bottom of whats wrong with me soon! And hopefully its nothing serious!