View Full Version : sore breasts

22-06-08, 15:38
I have for the past few days had very tender breasts on the outer edge of each breast, the part where an underwired bra would probably dig in most people.
For two days i did wear an underwired bra and eventually i had to go braless all day on friday cos the bra was really digging in me and really hurting.
I have gone back to my none wired bra's since and my breasts still feel fairly sore on the outer edges.
Does anyone get this and if so how long should expect to feel discomfort.
I sometimes get breat tenderness it normally doesn't really bother me and i don't really know if it is linked to when my period is due as i seem to get it anytime.
I changed my pill to dianette about 20 days ago and thought it could be this too, it's not as bad as it was but i'm not sure if to get it looked at with it being both, I don't think it's cancer as I think it would just be one of them that hurt if it was that.
Any advice or people who get similar symptoms.

22-06-08, 20:24
Hi Scooby, I use to get this a lot and it could be one or both breasts. I think underwired bras can definitely make breast tenderness worse especially if they dont fit well, but maybe its the change of pill thats triggered this. If you're worried and it persists it may be worth mentioning to your GP or local family planning clinic just for reassurance. My breast pain turned out to be hormonal even though at times it was only one breast...weird eh?

Coni XX

22-06-08, 21:49
are you due on or anything? it is probably to do with your pill. I get very sore breasts & now take evening primrose oil, it really helps me.

02-07-08, 01:06
Hi hun,

Due to my age, mmmm, 44 years young LOL my hormones are all over the place, One month my breast are soooo sore, blimey, I cant even walk, they are soo sore, the next month it something esle, YUK, what us women have to put up with.

I do feel that the change of the pill may have something to do with your sore breast, remember, they have hormones in after you have been on them a few monthes the sore breast may go, but hun, if you need more reasurance pop to you clinic and ask, after all, thats what they are there for.

You take care


02-07-08, 08:58
Hi hun,

Due to my age, mmmm, 44 years young LOL my hormones are all over the place, One month my breast are soooo sore, blimey, I cant even walk, they are soo sore, the next month it something esle, YUK, what us women have to put up with.

I do feel that the change of the pill may have something to do with your sore breast, remember, they have hormones in after you have been on them a few monthes the sore breast may go, but hun, if you need more reasurance pop to you clinic and ask, after all, thats what they are there for.

You take care


I'm exactly the same. Can be sore for ages, especially under/outer area. Sometimes one breast, sometimes both, some months nothing :huh: I have no pattern. Hormones pay such a big part. I have seen a breast consultant on a few occasions and they've always told me that breast pain is so normal and nothing to worry about.

02-07-08, 10:28
hiya definately not anything serious scooby please dont worry hun, i get this sometimes for a week or more before my period and sometimes i get nothing. also the pill can cause changes and make breasts tender so please dont worry. hugs to u xxx

02-07-08, 18:36
Thanks everyone.
I spoke to my doc and he thinks it could be hormonal due to my pill and the fact that is is both my breasts hurting and not one, he thinks it will settle down eventually it's definitly not as bad this week.

02-07-08, 18:55
im glad u got it checked out hun xxx

03-07-08, 08:32
Hi Hun,

Its good to hear you got checked out, peace of mind goes along way.

You take care