View Full Version : feeling sick! worring bout moles

22-06-08, 21:41
hi every1

after a long period of being ok im worring again, about my moles, ive got 4 moles on my back theyve always been big,ive had them checked a few times and they r ok, i dunno why ive started worring again, im imaging them going through to my organs, they not itchy or red or dont have the ring round them, but because they r big i worry,

even if they do turn funny does that mean they are definately cancerous??


22-06-08, 22:35
Hi Leanne,

I have had the same worry as u, on my back and this week it was on my shoulder.

I went to docs cos the only way I stop worrying about it is if the doc has a check and tells me its ok.

thing is once one is ok I start to worry about another :doh:

Docs advice to me was....if you are worried come in and they will check them. best to get to docs early - if its nothing u have the reassurance.

But I know just how u are feeling


22-06-08, 23:06
Just to say what Claire has said. I have worried about a mole on my shoulder. And the doctor has checked it a couple of times.

My doctor said she would rather check it, docs are quite clued up on this.

I think that the only way you will get some reassurance is by making an appointment and getting them checked out.


23-06-08, 09:02
I agree, I was worried about one on my leg and the worries just won't go away until you get to the docs. Mine turned out that I had scratched it so it had a scab on it, it wasn't cancer. I had been so worried.

Go to the GPs again and seek reassurance.


23-06-08, 10:26
Hi there

I too have a mole that I worry about and even though it has been checked I still am not sure so my gp is going to remove it for me. I had one removed a couple of years ago that became a bit raised the doc did it at the surgery and it took seconds. This mole is bigger and at the top of my chest so he said it will need to be stitched but he is still going to do it at the surgery. I can't wait to be rid of it so that I wont have to worry about it any more.

Go and have a chat with your doc and see whether they can arrange for removal. It is a really minor procedure and nothing to worry about.

23-06-08, 15:13
I was worried about a mole I had on my side. In the end I decided to get it taken off, as: 1. it solved the worry. 2. It was starting to get in the way.
Mind you I've now found something else to worry about :-)


Wicker Man
23-06-08, 16:50
Not all moles that change are cancerous. A large mole on my ankle 12mm across, suddenly changed size and colour, and met a lot the criteria for melanoma. You can imagine what that did for my HA, hours on Google trying to compare images of melanoma with my mole.
Anyway after a painless removal, the results came back as harmless changes. If worried ask to see a dermatologist.