View Full Version : I'm so tired, I need to get it out

22-06-08, 23:25
:lac: Six month a go I was a normal girl with a great job, a great boyfriend a great family. I began to have back problem but not very important. My mystake I talk about it with a doctor enter the painkillers medications and the treatement leave me an insomniac, stress out and yes with a lost of anxiety. I took five different medication in the last six month (Naxproxen, Elavil, Celebrex, Imovane, Desyrel now Rivotril). I never have the time to see the good effect all I see his the first week of side effects and we jump to an other medication or the medication stop working. My mind is tired and my body to. I begin to be anxious when I began to lack sleep, always change medication, always feeling side effect without anybody telling me it was normal. I stop working I was put on a leave and it has been killing me, All alone at home my only focus was why I don't go well, begin searching on Internet begein to worry. Not able to let go. Now I'm ashmed of what I have become. I'm am the shadow of my former self and I regret the day when I open my mouth in the doctor office for my back problem. My only problem at this time: I needed to relax! Medication greatly affected me in a negative way I now I have difficulty to believe other medication like antidepressant can help me to go out of this circus on medication. I think I will just go deeper and deeper but it seem i'm athis stage.:wacko:

22-06-08, 23:55
Hi Athena27

I wouldn't recommend anyone going on medication unless it's really necessary.
Back problems, unless really serious, usually heal themselves. Taking medication can sometimes introduce undesirable side effects that can make things worse.

Take antidepressants for example. A person might go to their doctors with anxiety, and the doctor puts them on a SSRI which can cause panic in the early stages. Now that person who just had anxiety, as now been introduced to panic, which will no doubt stick in their minds and cause further panic attacks in the future.

In some cases though, Tri-cyclic antidepressants work wonder on back problems - sometimes they are more effective that the strongest pain killers. That's why some doctors give out these antidepressants for back problems.


23-06-08, 15:58
My back problem was an early sign of too much stress that I miss. At this time I should have meet a psychologist, taking yoga class or go to an acuponcturist and now I will not talking about antidepressant.