View Full Version : I need some help

23-06-08, 07:33
Three weeks ago myy landlord who lives next door pushed his way into my apartment. Than he yelled at me because I had trash on the porch. I could smell the beer on his breath and my 11 year old daughter was there. Since that day I have anxiety any time that I am home. I am always in fear that he will come back. What should I do. I was thinking about moving.

23-06-08, 08:44
Cotto thats awful, im sory you've had to experience that.

Is it possible for you to move? I know it is an upheaval and stress in itself but maybe that would be better than being so fearful?

Thinking of you x


23-06-08, 08:53
Hi Cotto

Id defo move hun cos you are getting anx over this one situation id say the gentleman in question is not a very nice charecter and moving to de stress yourself,for you and your daughter,is the only option if you do not wish this fear to continue

I hope you have the support of friends and family to help you in this matter

Hope you find your solutions hun


23-06-08, 13:18
I am not sure about the usa law but you do have rights and a landlord cannot push is way into your rented property. If you are not in a position to move then your first place to seek help would be the police and I am sure they would do something and give you information as to your rights. The main thing is to know your rights.
I am sorry that you and your daughter where put in a situation were you felt fear and this is a concern and a deciding factor in what steps you take.

wishing you all the best


23-06-08, 13:29
Hi Cotto,

Do you have a lease or rental agreement setting out what your landlord can and cannot do?
Can you talk to a lawyer?
Find out what your rights are bfore you allow this person to force you out of your home.
Best wishes,

23-06-08, 13:54

chalky is right take at look at what it says he can do and not do in your agreement with him ,have you asked him why he did it ,and told him your not happy
failing that get a lawyer to sort it our or mabe move so you dont have to deal with this man again

i hope things get sorted for you

Jodie xx