View Full Version : Talk to meeeeeeeeeee

20-04-05, 16:35
Hi Guys, just need to read all your positive comments to pull me up. I have had to have 2 days off sick this week with a problem totally unrelated to my depression. (I can count on one had the days Ive taken off due to that).
Today i went back because I am best at work even when I am down because as Ive said before I am part of a very supportive team, but Ive struggled, Ive avoided everybody and when they have asked me how I am I just said "dont be nice to me" I have been very weepy and Im convinced its all because Ive had a change in my routine, I do not feel 100% but Ive gone to work with worse than this and i had a good few weeks before this.
Does anybody else get bothered by change in routines.Doesnt usually bother me to this extent. its not as if I dont feel safe and secure in my work environment.
Hope you understand. Come on guys throw your wonderful comments at me.

20-04-05, 16:45
no cos you ate my cream egg .................

im lost without a routine and i havent had one for months with not having work, some days i come home and think well what am i going to do all day, apart from boring housework, etc etc, it really does my head in

sent u pm

catch u later

kairen x

20-04-05, 16:53
Hi Alexis,
sorry to hear you're having a bad time. I also struggle with a change of routine whether it's at work or in my home life. I prefer to be stuck in my ways as it feels safer. I also feel anxious if i know i have a lot going on that day/ week. I kinda feel daunted by it.
Is the worry of your "problem" still playing on your mind and therefore affecting you more than usual? I find that some days i cope better than others. If i've been particularly bad i somehow get through this and yet when i feel less bad i find certain things get to me more. Hope you feel better soon, you can do this! love KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

20-04-05, 18:20

Sorry to hear you are a bit down. Routine makes our lives easier to cope with as we know where we are going next and what to do etc. Any break can sometimes upset the balance.

Hope you feel a bit better and catch you in chat later ok.


20-04-05, 19:51
Hi Alexis,

I suppose I don't have too much of a routine, but then again I don't go out to work, but I think the change in work duties is just one more thing for you to have an excuse to worry about.

So maybe that's why you are not so good at the moment. Added to which, haven't you had some aggro with that darn abcess - that can't help either.

You will soon get into your new routine, your abcess will become a distant memory and you'll be on track again.

Take care - can I give you a hug in chat? :D


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

21-04-05, 00:07
Hi alexis

Without routine for more than a couple of days i become lost and struggle to think how i cope when i have routine when it is actually the structure of the routine that keeps me focussed so can totally appreciate how you feel.

Well done for going back however hard it was you did it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-04-05, 21:13
hi Alexis,

I am lost without a routine - my life depends on it so much. My anxiety seems to stay under control if I know what I'm doing and when. Strange, huh?

Sarah :D