View Full Version : Can anyone help please?

23-06-08, 10:58
Last week I changed my surname by Deed Poll and I have managed to change it with all the relevant people i.e. Inland Revenue, Driving Licence etc apart from my Bank. They are insisting that to change my name on my Bank Account that I have got to go into my local branch, but, being Agoraphobic...I can't do that!!

I have tried and tried to explain my situation with them, and each time they have put me on hold while they go off to talk to their Supervisor, but always come back with the same answer. I have to go into my branch as it cannot be done by post alone.

Surely there is some other way around this?

Has anyone got any ideas please or have you been in a similar situation.


23-06-08, 11:06
Frustrating isn't it??
I have dealt with my bank by writing a letter authorising my daughter to deal with things on my behalf. I give her full name and birthdate in the letter and she takes her passport for these and her picture to be confirmed. She also takes a couple of household bills, or letters addressed to me so they can confirm my name & address.
Otherwise, perhaps they might accept the above with a note from the doctor as well?
Good luck.

23-06-08, 11:09
Yes Maddie....it is very frustrating :mad:

Thanks for the tips, I shall see what my Bank have to say to that suggestion...why of why do some people have to be such jobsworths!!


23-06-08, 11:11

Yes hun, i went through similar!! I HAD to open a bank account when my dad passed away as being one his kids, money was left to me, payable by cheque.

I called the bank, spoke to them, explained to them that there was no way i could go to see them. To cut a long story short, i had to write and sign a letter stating that i wanted to open an account, i provided some documents which also had my signature and house hold bills to prove i was who i said i was, and they allowed my mum to take these in and had the account opened that way!

Call back hun and explain again, and ask if they would allow a family member to do this for you.

Goog luck and let me know what happens!!

Love Lisa

milly jones
23-06-08, 11:14
hi kaz,

just a hug for this monday morning xxx

keep going girl, ur moving forward in 1st gear, well done

mill xxxx

23-06-08, 11:20
Thanks Lisa and Milly :D

I am just about to write a letter to my local branch, explaining my situation (again) and I am also going to enclose the Certificate of Name Change etc.

Hopefully this will do...otherwise I am going to have to keep my Bank Account in my old name (and I changed it to get away from that name as it has connections with my past).

Am I breaking the law if I have a Bank Account in one name and everything else in my new name?


23-06-08, 12:11
Absolutely Not!! you changed you name legaly so you have nothing at all to worry about.

Love Lisa

23-06-08, 13:36
Hi Kaz,

I want to approach this from a different perspective as I am not agorophobic.
If you get someone to take you to the bank-a relative,a trusted friend-you will be actively challenging your condition,Sounds tough but think of the boost to your self-esteem and your long-term future this may provide.
I just hope you get things sorted.
Best wishes,

23-06-08, 15:03
You could passably get a solicitor to come to your home and then delicate them to do it for you? Just a thought, but if it's possible, I guess it's going to cost you.


23-06-08, 16:01
I don't have problems changing details with my bank over the phone as i have internet banking too, but i know my mum had alot of trouble trying to change her details with the bank as she can't always get into her's as we don't really live near a natwest.
She had to go into the bank twice before they changed her details has they lost it the first time.
Try getting online banking and or see if you can get some sort of telephone banking that they give you a password to use over the phone and you may be able to change it like that.

23-06-08, 19:00
Write a letter that basically says this...

My legal name is
Please change my account to reflect this change.
Enclosed are (include whatever you have... Drivers license,mail, whatever can prove the change) that prove that this change has occurred.
Please send an updated statement reflecting this change.
Thank you.

If you send them a statement in writing with the proof they HAVE to change it in their records!