View Full Version : Lots of worries and checking

23-06-08, 13:14
Does anybody else suffer these symptoms I have 5 or 6 massive worries in a day mainly the same ones every single day.

I end up checking all my body, checking weight, asking for reassurance, confessing my thoughts, thoughts of going mad, Something simple is enough to get me in panic/fear somebody will come after me, worrying if i am going depressed, I keep getting obsessed by smells, and I've started to check beats to make sure I am breathing ok.

I end up thinking i have a million things wrong with me. The checking If i am ok is worrying me lots the now as if i don't feel toned enough I might need to exercise and its just become horrible with anxiety worries. Even when I amk dating I worry if the person is too big for me and if they are I would not want to be with them as they would have to be like my ex.

I just feel overloaded by it all a worrying thought can lead to me checking, asking advice or searching up on it on google. These symptoms have only seemed to pick up for the last few weeks...

23-06-08, 13:32
Hi Phil,

Make a daily list of your worries and challenge them.No-one else can do this for you.
Do not Google-it does not work!!!
Best wishes,

24-06-08, 01:59
I agree with Chalky. Until I learned to counter my thoughts in a tea form I was a mess. It also has a side benefit of building your self-confidence when you help yourself get better:)