View Full Version : Chest Pains And Feeling Awful Today!!

20-04-05, 18:23
Earlier i was sat down and i got up and i had a massive sharp pain in my chest in my heart area that lasted about 10 seconds was very frigtening should i be worried about this? maybe worried about having a heart attack or something? i had an ECG about 8 months ago and that was fine.
But i do have high cholestrol levels, can anxiety give you pain in your heart area like this?
I am worrying about it has even though i have had anxiety and panic attacks for quite awhile i have never experienced this before!
I have just moved from down south to up north about 3 weeks ago to be with my partner and she has 3 kids and im not used to any of this i think that may be why i am feeling so bad and gaggin for air and faint all the time and weak!

20-04-05, 18:34
Hi there,
so sorry that you are having a few problems right now, i'm not medically qualified, but can almost guarantee what you felt was not a heart attack or anything more than a muscle spasm or something just as innocent.. it's just that once something like that happens, ours minds immediately go to the worst possible senario. If you had medical checks a short time ago, i would be re-assured by this, they are professionals, they don't make too many mistakes. I think, maybe your new set-up family wise, may be causing a little upset, change of routine, big time, adapting to all the new routines etc... take your time, take it easy and keep in touch.

20-04-05, 18:38

I used to get stabbing pains like this and was really worried about them but the doctor didn't seem too bothered so I guessed it was anxiety.

I good stretch of the chest should help relieve it. Reach your arms up and then back a bit - bringing the shoulder blades together. It does help to exercise the chest area as well as anywhere else that aches.

I am sure you will be fine so try not to worry about it ok?


20-04-05, 18:53
I used exactly this in my example:
Need some coping methods (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3185)

If it was a one off stab then its very unlikely to be a heart attack and more likely to be your innards moving about a bit.


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