View Full Version : So many things to worry about!!!!!!!!!!

24-06-08, 04:10
I had my cholestrol levels checked in November of last year. They were all ok but my HDL(good one) was lower than I would like. 50+ is good for a woman and I was at 45. Since then I have changed my eating habits ALOT and have started exercising alot as well. So I had my test redone. My bad cholestrol dropped which is great but so did my GOOD!!!!! I went from 45 to 34 which is very low. So now I am all upset about that even though my doc tells me not to be.

Also during the day my pulse rate is about 60 a minute. In the evening however is drops down. Sometimes 50, sometimes 41!!!!! Last night it was low and I felt icky, troubles breathing, lightheaded. My doctor also told me not to worry about that because I have had plenty of heart tests done and everything was fine. He says people in good shape can have low heart rates and its actually a good thing. BUT IT FREAKS ME OUT!!!!!! I hate it! I wish it would stay above or atleast at 60. I am even scared to exercise now cause I dont want it to drop lower!!!

I am such a mess! Anyone have any ideas?

24-06-08, 06:49
Well the last time I had mine done it was 3.8 (that was last year) I hope it is no higher. I have it done regularly because the amount of hear disease in the family.

A low pulse is good but not too low otherwise it hasn't got the push to pump blood to the brain hence the light-headed feeling. If the doctor is happy you should be happy.:D

Many athletes have low heartbeats and it seems that it is a good thing for them (wouldn't want it to get too high when they are competing).