View Full Version : New and in need of help.

24-06-08, 09:06
Hi! I'm 15 years old and in need of some serious advice. After doing research and comparison on myself, I think I may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. After asking for help from my parents, they believe that I do not have an anxiety disorder, but depression and bipolarism. They recommend that I see a therapist for depression and bipolarism, but I think that this is not the case. They also tell me that I am not seeing what they are seeing and that I just need to accept the fact that I may, in fact, be bipolar. I don't know what to do. Now, I'm nowhere near a certified doctor, but after reviewing both GAD and Bipolarism, I think that I might have GAD; the constant fear and the worrying that gets in the way everyday life. Can someone please help me?

24-06-08, 09:46
Hi Dev, I think you need to see a professional to get a true diagonosis of your illness. Your parents may think they know what you have but, I think you need to go and see someone to get the treatment you need, go and see the therapist they will diagnose you, and they will be able to give you the right treatment.It sounds like GAD to me but I am not trained, you will get lots of help here and we will support you through this.
Take care and keep me updated.
:bighug1: Lesleyb

24-06-08, 09:55
Thanks for the reply! Soon, I think I will see professional help. But now I'm at a loss; Tonight, my parents tell me that I had an "episode". When I was crying and walked out of the house, they got really worried. They said that it was supporting their bipolarism theory. I have to admit, sometimes I do get agitated and mad about somethings, even small things, but does this mean that I'm bipolar?

24-06-08, 11:49
Hi Dev

It sounds like you are acting very maturely and responsibly for your age, it is easy to ignore the symptoms. I believe that anything can be 'cured' or improved with help and understanding and some hard work from the person, so don't fret too much about how you are feeling, there is hope.

At the end of the day GAD, Bipolar, Depression are all just labels, it is the symptoms which are important and the way they are effecting you. I would recommend seeing a CBT therapist who will be able to give you a diagnosis if you want one but whom more importantly can help you to make sense of what you are feeling and look at ways to change it.

I think getting help is the important thing not the diagnosis.

24-06-08, 11:53
Just read your response. I don't want to make judgements as obviously I don't know your situation but it sounds like 'what your diagnosis' is has become a battle between you and your parents. Perhaps the best thing is to say that whilst you disagree with your parents on what the diagnosis is, you acknowledge that you want to change how you are feeling and would like to work together with them on this.

We all feel agitated at times. If it is anxiety I know I was in floods of tears and angry and agitated when I was particularly bad last year. It is hard not to be because it is such a horrible and scary experience.

26-06-08, 00:26
I think getting a diagnosis from a professional is the first step. Now if it is GAD or any other form of anxiety or depression I agree with Mlondon about CBT. It has taught me how to think more realisticly and it helps you eliminate the anxiety causing thoughts. Read the cbt book by sam obitz and see if you identify with it. If you do, give the TEA form exercise in it a try, I use them almost everyday to keep my anxiety under control:)

26-06-08, 00:54
Hi Dev,

I agree with the others that seeing a therapist for a diagnosis would be the best thing for you. I also think that whatever the diagnosis turns out to be is also a label. Being bi-polar vs. GAD is neither worse nor easier but that is just my opinion. I'm sure your parents are just frustrated and really want the best for you are the end of the day. I do hope you get the counseling and please know that here you will get advice and support no matter how you suffer.

Many hugs,


27-06-08, 18:19
I agree with the point about labels, that is so true! But in this case I think it important to get one as a starting point so you can get your parents involved in finding the right kind of help for you:hugs: