View Full Version : ANY ONE???

21-04-05, 01:57
well ive had anxiety for years but NOW im very tired......very dizzy....and very very forgetful.....memory is shot now.....normal or no?..... like i said in a previous thread i just had bloodwork done for LYME DISEASE..........so we'll see

21-04-05, 22:55
Yes it is common to feel warn out, tired and forgetful trust me i have being through the same thing.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-04-05, 11:10
Hi Panicks

Sal is right there, all these feelings are very common with anxiety .
Hope you'll feel better soon.


P.S: Let us know about your blood test's results.

**See the world more as it is, less as what you are.**

22-04-05, 11:34
I agree with the others, when my anxiety is bad I feel weak & absolutely exhausted, like I can't & don't want to do anything. I also find I can't concentrate on anything other than the anxiety, which is what I think makes me very forgetful as well. The other thing is that you seem to be saying that, although you've suffered from anxiety for years, you never had these symptoms before & that makes them more worrying & more hard to believe they're anxiety-related. This too has happened to me, but I have been assured that it is normal for symptoms to come & go and change all the time.
Take care & I hope your tests go ok,
K x x