View Full Version : How do you know if you've had a seizure?

24-06-08, 17:03
I've been getting odd sensations in my head, kind of like vague headaches. Recently, I've had moments in which I feel as though I was "gone" for a second, kind of like nodding off, but a little different. Sometimes, this comes with a muscle twitch, but not always. It seems to last just a sec, and then I'm back to normal. I've also noticed a bit of eyeball twitch/flicker, in which I feel as though my eyes dart quickly for just a moment, but never long enough to cause more than a very momentary (almost not noticeable) disturbance in my vision. I've had tense shoulder muscles, to that could be part of things, and I have been kind of tired lately, and these episodes do happen most often on the bus or sitting at my computer (both times I might be prone to nod off). No one has witnessed/noticed anything odd on my part, but I haven't asked as to appear paranoid.

Is it possible that I'm having really minor seizures, or is this likely just anxiety building a bunch of non-issues into a bigger one?

milly jones
24-06-08, 17:06
hi hun

ive never had a fit hun , ok

but i do get momentary lapses in my concentration where i switch off, particularly if im anx.

if ur worried about this i suggest a visit to the gp hun because only he can rule this out

milly xxxxxx

24-06-08, 17:13
I was just there a few months ago (for wholly different symptoms, of course), so I don't want to go if it's nothing.

I've also felt as though at times I blink more intensely than others, like I'm just hanging out, like normal, and one blink seems really hard and heavy. It's kind of similar to the sensation you get when your heart skips a beat and the next one is bigger than usual. It's probably just anxiety & hyper-sensitivity, but I'd like to nip it in the bud before getting a bout of full-blown anxiety. I've been anxiety free for the past few weeks, and would like to keep it that way.

02-07-08, 00:59
Hi hun,

**It's probably just anxiety & hyper-sensitivity,** I feel you are right on this one hun, I have 2 friends who suffer fits and NONE of them can say a time or a place they will happen, they just happen, if you look at what you have written, you have put places where this happens the most, mmm, think about it hun, you say both these places you may tend to nod off, your tierd, maybe you are noticing MORE, your body relaxing, the sleep mode, so to speak.

When I was acute I was out in a resterant haveing a meal, when all of a sudden my head just dropped, ONLY for a split second my eyes went funny, this happend 2 times in the same night within seconds of each other, BUT, no one else noticed it but me, mmmm, I know for me it was defo, anxiety related.

Are you getting enough sleep hun, we can have not enough sleep, but we can allso have to much sleep, getting the balance can be hard.

I know for me, my mind will try and tell me if I'm not getting enough sleep or having to much sleep, I do analize this and try to correct things, it shows on my body, with symptoms of headach, muscul pain, feeling groggy during the day.

You say you have been anxiety free for the past few weeks, thats great hun, be proud of yourself, don't be to hard on yourself, little blips may happen hun, but this is all part of recovery.



02-07-08, 09:44
hi i hope this helps.
i have had a full seizure and a few partial seizures and what you are describing really doesnt sound like you are having any type of seizure activitry. you say that they are most likely to occur when you are prone to nodding off. it seems like it is that normal stage that happens in your body when you are just on the point of falling asleep. if i start to doze off on a bus train or anywhere other than bed my body will sometimes twitch and my eyes will do odd things and my head too. i think it is because you are nodding off in a place where your body knows its not gonna fully relax and so part of your brain still stays alert and fires off random messages to your body.
im not a doctor but i really think you dont have to worry.
take good care
kelly xxx