View Full Version : picked spot

24-06-08, 17:50
hi all have picked a spot that has now crusted and feels a bit dry now im thinking skin cancer just had a full blood count done white bloods and and liver function tests and platelets all normal would something abnormal show if i had something like this also the spot isnt attched to nthing

24-06-08, 18:05
Someone I worked with when I was nursing picked a spot. It got bigger and bigger and the more she picked it the bigger it got, so much so that she had to cover it with a large plaster.

It was stuck right in the middle of her forehead and stuck out like a sore thumb.

By the time she had finished picking at the scab it was about two inches long. Eventually it healed up and she was OK but unfortunately she was unable to attend an interview to become a air stewardess.:weep:

Sorry meant to say not to worry I am sure it will be OK.

24-06-08, 18:22
should it scab though after picking it

24-06-08, 18:29
I had a skin cancer and the mole i had it in was definitly like it for a while and i'm sure i had a blood test to check for various things about a year before i was told this mole was cancerous I'm not sure if skin cancer would show up in a blood test unless for example it had really spread, I would get it looked at if your worried about it, I think scabs can appear quick sometimes or you would just keep loosing blood, I don't think that is anything to worry about.

24-06-08, 18:38
its not a mole was just a tiny spot that i prodded at till it bled and then it crusted and now it feels dry with a scab

24-06-08, 21:13
The scab is the way it heals so try not to keep picking it off.

24-06-08, 21:16
okay thanks again how do i stop worrying abut everything it seems i keep looking for things then i think everything bad like cancer any ideas plz

24-06-08, 21:19
CBT is the recommended treatment for HA so ask your GP about that.

24-06-08, 23:17
whats cbt

24-06-08, 23:20
Have a read here....
