View Full Version : Toilet trouble

24-06-08, 22:43
Last week I had a little bit of toilet trouble, some diarrhea and had to run to the toilet or I went about 4 or 5 times and I was worried but it passed in a day or two.

I had a tiny little bit of red when I had been...I don't think I was having a panic attack at the time.

Has anybody else had this symptom? It seems to have come back today.

24-06-08, 22:45
Sounds like piles to me - the doc can confirm this but I get it a lot

Was it bright red blood?

24-06-08, 22:48
Sounds like piles to me - the doc can confirm this but I get it a lot

Was it bright red blood?

Is piles something to do with anxiety?

not really just a small mark, dry not that noticeable.

24-06-08, 22:55
Piles is caused cos of the amount of times you go to the loo and that is an anxiety symptom.

I had diarrhea for over 2 years and they just said it was anxiety and mine does get worse when I am stressed.

Mind you - I have recently been diagnosed with Chrons as well.

24-06-08, 22:59
I've just had this symptom last week for 2/3 days and I was fine and today it came back.

Is it something to worry about?

24-06-08, 23:01
Nothing to worry but I am sure loads on here will tell you that they get this symptom when stressed or suffering anxiety.

Like I said I had it constant for a long long time and the docs were never worried.

24-06-08, 23:04
Piles is caused cos of the amount of times you go to the loo and that is an anxiety symptom.

I had diarrhea for over 2 years and they just said it was anxiety and mine does get worse when I am stressed.

Mind you - I have recently been diagnosed with Chrons as well.
Hi there, my husband suffers from Chrones also, which we think was brought on by stress. I know only too well the pain and discomfort of what sufferers of Chrones have to put up with and it is not very pleasant. Hope you get it sorted soon, warmest regards Spirit,

24-06-08, 23:06
Spirit - thanks

I have it under controkl with medication and apparently it is in the mild stages so I don't suffer too much (just bouts of diarrhea).

Hope your hubbie is ok too?

24-06-08, 23:14
I suffer from IBS and it does seem to get worse when I am stressed or worried about something. My symptons are the same as yours. To be honest, I do worry about anything easily but I have learnt to cope with my IBS a bit better. To be honest, I have noticed a tiny amount of blood on the tissue but this does not happen to often. I have managed to figure out that this mainly happens when my IBS is playing up and I have been to the toilet many times therefore creating a little cut. It is the tinest bit of blood like the amount you would get from a paper cut. In total it the doctors 2 years to diagnose me with IBS. They have put me on Mintec which can be brought over the counter. It is a green tablet that contains peppermint oil. My husband suffers very rarely with IBS but he takes a Mintec capsule and feels a lot better. You could also try Ginger Root tablets as they are very good for your intestines and I swear by them. I hope this helps.


25-06-08, 10:18
If I'm stressed I get an upset tummy :blush: Have you tried take some immodium? I once spoke the pharmacist as mine was hanging around for a couple of days and she says that sometimes the stomach goes into spasm and it needs help to settle down so hence the immodium. I normally find just 2 tablets calms everything down.

25-06-08, 10:44
what you have said here should just like what i get when i am stressed. its called iratable boul syndum or something like that sorry spelling is not good for me lol.
but yes its where you get stressed and it can rip the lining just a bit as well as other not feeling nice tummy feeling your piping that makes bleeding someimes it goes really fast and sometimes it can stay like that far a bit longer after the stress and all that as past.

but to be 100% go see your doc if it happens again he/she can give you pills to make sure it can't get worse well i think thay can lol.

hope that helped a wee bit.

25-06-08, 19:47
I have Irritible Bowel Syndrome too, and I get toilet trouble too! It comes and goes, but its definately a symptom of anxiety as well!

25-06-08, 23:08
So could it just be anxiety?

I'm not sure what to think as I've had a slight bit of bloating too not not as much now. I'm only 19 so could I get IBS...I mainly have the toilet troubles in the house I was out today and was fine. I have been worrying about it today with my anxiety and end up worrying I won't be able to work or something.

I just had the symptom last week and again this week. The symptom of going to the toilet only twice today and yesterday but last week it was 5/6 times in a day so could it even be a bug?

25-06-08, 23:55
You have a choice here

Accept it is anxiety or get further investigations done.

I had a sigmoidoscopy and wouldn't recommend it unless completely necessary.

There is no reason why you can't work - I work and suffer with this.

You can get referred to a dietician - I see one and we work out what aggrevates things for me and I avoid them.

Only you can decide what to do next.

26-06-08, 09:46
i am only 20 and i have been getting IBS for some years now. so yes your able to get it.


26-06-08, 09:59
So could it just be anxiety?

I'm not sure what to think as I've had a slight bit of bloating too not not as much now. I'm only 19 so could I get IBS...I mainly have the toilet troubles in the house I was out today and was fine. I have been worrying about it today with my anxiety and end up worrying I won't be able to work or something.

I just had the symptom last week and again this week. The symptom of going to the toilet only twice today and yesterday but last week it was 5/6 times in a day so could it even be a bug?

the more you think about it, the worse it will get. Why don't you do as I suggested and take some immodium, or just chat with the pharmacist. They are very good.

09-07-08, 18:58
I had a tiny bit of dried blood on the tissue today when I went to the toilet and I went into a big panic attack and felt all weak so started searching and come up with the worst outcome again.

I know I have maybe used a little more tissue than I use to as I seem to get obsessive about it and use half the role so it may be this.

Has anybody else had this symptom I have been worrying now that I am going mad or something is up with me. Does anybody else have this with anxiety? :weep:

11-07-08, 13:59
Phil, dont worry about it. I get the runs too when I get worked up. Some days its really bad, especially when I get upset, and yes sometimes there is blood in it. I spoke to the doc and she said a small amount of blood is normal as the inside of the bowel is delicate and it can bleed.
The problem is the more we get worried about stuff the more this happens as we have worked ourselves up. A problem I have is I feel sick a lot of the time, I am sure thats cos I work myself up, we all have these odd symptoms, I mean I could go for a camera down my gullet but I am sure again its all because I get in a panic all the time.
Its fine honest.

16-07-08, 12:27
Thanks I seem to be going less often now but it worries me as it is still quite soft when going to the toilet so I have had breakfast to see if that helps anybody else get this? or is it a symptom that comes with anxiety?

29-07-08, 12:29
I have toilet trouble all the time! whenever i feel anxious or stressed i have to go the toilet straight away, if im going out somewhere i have to go before i leave the house! i also find that 2 immodium instant tablets help alot.

29-07-08, 13:10
I have/had this and in my case it was definitely anxiety. Its much better than it was now that I'm on Citalopram but still flares up occassionally if I'm extra stressed. My doctor ran some tests first to rule out anything serious which in itself helped to know it was *only* anxiety.