View Full Version : soooo scared

21-04-05, 11:19
hi everyone,
im really worried today, as my dad has just gone to john radcliffe hospital for his heart bypass, yhey said he will be having his op tomorrow, i hope he will be ok, im also scared hes going to get that dreaded superbug, talk to me please
luv sue

21-04-05, 12:47
Hi Sue,

The operation your dad is undergoing is carried out on a regular basis and although it is a large operation, Im sure he will be fine.

As for MRSA, staff will do there best to be extra careful with cleanliness. There is widespread 'bad press' about this bug now, and staff have become very aware and diligent about the risks.

There is nothing I can say that will completely eliminate your worries. Just try to stay as calm as you can and not focus too much on the negative side. Think how much better your dad will feel once this is all over.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

21-04-05, 13:36
Hi Sue,
Sorry you are feeling anxious right now, but it is only to be expected..it is a major operation, but one which is carried out daily, my father-in-law had it done sometime ago now, and has been as fit as a fiddle ever since, he was sitting up in bed the next day! as for the 'super bug' as previously said it does get a lot of bad press, as it should, but i think people are so aware of it now, that many extra precautions are taken. Keep in touch, stay as calm as you can, Dad will be fine, and he'll bounce back very soon. xxxx

21-04-05, 13:55
We used to do 5 bypasses a day everyday . That is how routine it is ..

I do hope all goes well and I'm glad they went ahead with it despite his weight issue.

Let us know how it goes.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

21-04-05, 14:22
As everyone says they are routine and i wish ur dad all the best.

21-04-05, 22:35
Hi Sue

I appreciate how worried you are, but with todays surgery i am sure he will be fine and we are all thinking of you.

It isnt easy i know but rely on us and just wait to see how much better your dad will be once he has had the operation.

Here if you want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-04-05, 22:44
Hi Sue

Fingers crossed for your your dad, I am sure he will be fine and probably with the election looming no safer time to have such an op and no less a chance of even hearing the name "super bug" let alone getting close enough to catch it!

Look after you through this stressfull time.


22-04-05, 00:12
Hi Sue

Hope your dad's op goes well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.