View Full Version : side effects

25-06-08, 10:56
I was on citalopram for a few yrs on and off and for first week had bad side effects but wore off. Been prescribed cipralex and form what I can see the side effects are horrendous initially (not started them yet) Has anyone been on bith of these and are effects from cipralex really bad - i feel sick about it all

25-06-08, 20:11
Hi there

I too had bad side effects from citalopram. So much so that it has put me off trying any other anti d's. In the past I have been on surmontil and paroxetine and been ok with them but I wouldn't even try then now. I saw a programme once about the side effects of paroxetine and one thing they said that is common with many anti d's is that the more times you go on them the likely hood is for the side effects to get worse. I don't know if anyone else has found this but it scared me enough not to use them anymore.

I hope I haven't worried you and this is only my opinion. It might be worth having a chat with your doc about side effects.

25-06-08, 20:29
I am on Cipralex, been on them for 8 days so far, and I haven't had horrible side effects really. A little increased anxiety, but thats it.
I had Cipralex a couple of years ago, and I had palpitations for a few days, but still nothing too alarming!
The benefits outweigh the side effects for me, so my advice would be to go for it, take the tablets, and you should start to feel better in a couple of weeks. :)

25-06-08, 22:08
Thanks Kaz

One doc prescribed 10mg but cos im so sensitive to meds another doc has suggested starting on 5mg. What dosage are you on?