View Full Version : breathing

25-06-08, 12:07
Hi people

ive been haveing a few bad days lately and today i feel is im haveing trouble breathing, as if i cant get a full breath. Im trying really hard not to freak out and keep telling myself its normal and its just my anxiety. Has anyone got any tips


Anna xx

25-06-08, 12:22
Hi Anna
This was my very first symptom of anxiety I experienced when I was younger, I used to panic because I couldn't take a deep satisfying breath, I kept trying until it made me dizzy and then I would panic about that. What I used to do was make myself yawn, and the last part of the yawn would hit the spot. I guess it's all down to tension so relax as best as possible and concentrate on breathing deeply and slowly

Hope it helps


25-06-08, 12:56
Hi James

You have hit the nail right on the head i yawn all the time just so i feel like i have taken a proper breath i just find it really hard not to start freaking out


Anna x

25-06-08, 13:01
Hi Anna

I get this a lot. It's horrible but it is defo anxiety please try not to worry -it will make it worse.
You need to do some breathing excercises - inhale for 7 and exhale for 11.
Make sure your are breathing in from your tummy not your chest.
Drink plenty of water and try not to think about it too much. Keep busy and pm me if you want, i am here for you.

Take care


25-06-08, 13:09
Hi Hun

Thanks, i thought things were getting better but had a few bad days well more like a bag couple of weeks. Hope you are ok
