View Full Version : an episode of Opera has made me more terrified than any time in my life !!!!!!!!!

25-06-08, 15:08
hey there
i was wanting to hear anyones experiances with intrusive thoughts
relating to ocd i think .
i watched an episode of Opera where this guy killed his kids
and as i am a paniker and suffer extream anxiety i know worry that i could turn into something like him.
i get these horriable images of hurting my mum dog ect
i suffer from ocd and heard that these are intrusive thoughts .
i was terrified
i then forgot about it and went on with my life without "intrusive thoughts"
until i flicked on the tv and the same episode of opera was on again .
now i am tottaly freaked

25-06-08, 15:14

All I can say is these are "thoughts" and not reality. As you are aware of the thoughts you are having, you can also be in control of them!!

Good Luck

25-06-08, 15:45
How often are these thoughts and how strong are they?

Also what kind of thoughts are they mostly?


25-06-08, 22:09
Hi- I totally know where you are coming from :( and often too I hear of horrible things which happen of people turning on their families etc and that too petrefies me!! BUT how ever we both know we have anxiety, we both know our thoughts are irrational and just becuase we have these thoughts as horrible as they are we both know really deep down it wont happen. It is a symptom of our anxieties. I just want you to know you are not alone xx feel free to pm anytime xx

02-07-08, 23:53
An CBT person would tell you that people get such things in their heads and that they can train them out of you... It just happens! No cause...

If you believe that things generally have causes and are willing to make an effort you should see a psychodynamic therapist about it. It's somewhat out of vogue these days when there is always someone willing to claim they can solve people's lives in 12 sessions. By all means, try it... Some say it works, all I know is that those who I know who have had bad mental problems just get pssed off by it - no attempt to understand the human side of anyone, since they generally think it's unscientific to think there is one (I'm by the way a scientist myself, so I'm not prejudiced against science).

We are always ambivalent to those who are close to us, but since it's forbidden to wish the life out of your loved parents that part of the feeling can play its tricks on you.

Anyhow... It's very uncommon that people do these things, and it's not at all the same thing as psychosis - you clearly recognize these intrusive thoughts as your own although they SAY things that you get terrified by morally... things that you just can't want.