View Full Version : an episode of Opera has made me more terrified than any time in my life

25-06-08, 15:11
an episode of Opera has made me more terrified than any time in my life !!!!!!!!!
hey there
i was wanting to hear anyones experiances with intrusive thoughts
relating to ocd i think .
i watched an episode of Opera where this guy killed his kids
and as i am a paniker and suffer extream anxiety i know worry that i could turn into something like him.
i get these horriable images of hurting my mum dog ect
i suffer from ocd and heard that these are intrusive thoughts .
i was terrified
i then forgot about it and went on with my life without "intrusive thoughts"
until i flicked on the tv and the same episode of opera was on again .
now i am tottaly freaked

25-06-08, 15:18

I answered your previous thread :-)

25-06-08, 17:42
Hi,You have to remember that these are only thoughts and are the opposite of what you would normaly think ,I have these all the time and also automatic negative thoughts that come when your doing someting else. I was walking the dogs today and just popped into my head supposing one of my dogs was kicked by a cow and broke her legs!:huh:
What you have to do is to try not to dwell on these thoughts as this gives them power, you won't act on these thoughts. I know it's hard to not worry but take heart that you are not alone.:bighug1: :bighug1:
PM me anytime

25-06-08, 19:59
I have awful thoughts which I dont really want to discuss, but the very fact that you are aware that they are bad, means you know they are wrong.
People that actually DO awful things tend to think that what they are doing is right.
Try not to worry and accept they they are just thoughts and that you know you would never do anything terrible:hugs:

26-06-08, 06:23
There is a great saying we can allow birds to fly over our heads but we dont allow them to make nests in our hair and the same applies to thoughts...Just because we have a thought this does not mean we need to or will act on that thought.