View Full Version : my dizziness

25-06-08, 16:30
I have the dizziness as if i am sinking into the ground or the chair or bed if i am laying down. scares the hell out of me. does anybody else feel like this and i always have stabbing pains in my head ... be nice to know if anyone else feels like this ??? cheers *BEKI*

25-06-08, 23:32
Hi Beki,

Sounds to me like you might be having a migraine. Is the pain on just one side of your head? If so, it is a migraine. Laying down in a cool dark room with whatever type of medication your country gives for migraines would be your best bet to get rid of it. I hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


27-07-08, 08:43
sounds like a visual migraine - please google it - there is lots of information and treatment.

i take 400mg of magnesium citrate a day and pop a tylenol if it starts to come on. mine was caused by eye strain and overwearing my contacts.

hope this helps