View Full Version : 24 years old ..going crazy cause i have a lot swollen nodes!!!

25-06-08, 20:18
Hi!i just registered here cause i thought here will be some people with the same problem i have....
Im 24 years old female..i always have a fear to be sick! so when i noticed that i have swollen nodes on my neck especially left side (above collar bone as well) i got really scared...but everybody who touch it they said ouh its nothing they are very little...so i got more calm for a month or so till when i noticed that i have swollen nodes in my groin area as well! i got so scared! so i went to one clinic - they did some blood work(cbc) but everything came back normal - except they said that i have mild anemia...so i started to use lots of vitamins and i think i feel better...
But i still have swollen nodes for about 5 monts or so and they are not getting smaller or bigger, no pain ever...i went to another hospital cause im just scared! im thinking about it everyday and cant live normal live! they saying that it shouldnt be anything dangerous like cancer cause i have it so long and i dont have any other symptom i think...like weight loss - i lost lots of weight in last year but its because i worked out every day and it was my goal to loose some, i dont think im tired all the time, and i have some night sweats(especially my back) but its not like that im waking up wet or cant sleep cause im sweating...so they did some blood work today again - and they want to remove one of my nodes from my neck for biopsy in upcoming weeks!
i just dont know what to think!im really scared...
I just want opinions from people who had smth the same...
thank you!
and sorry for my grammar - english is my second language...

26-06-08, 06:20

26-06-08, 06:42

As I can safely google I thought you might be interested in this............

Infection - the common cause

The lymph glands near to an infection swell quickly and become tender as the immune system 'fights off' infecting germs (bacteria, virus, etc). The lymph glands usually go back to their normal 'pea size' when the infection is over. It can take a week or so for them to gradually go back to normal after the infection. Examples include the following:

Throat infections and tonsillitis may cause lymph glands in the neck to swell.
Skin infections of the arm may cause lymph glands in the armpit to swell.
Infections of the leg or genitals may cause lymph glands in the groin to swell.
Virus infections such as glandular fever affect the whole body. You may then develop swollen lymph glands in various parts of the body such as the neck, armpit and groins.

26-06-08, 06:54
yeah i googled it a lot and im just getting more scared reading all forums and etc....

26-06-08, 08:30
Well don't read them you will only make yourself feel worse. Wait until you have the results from the tests.

It does really sound like some infection.

26-06-08, 09:06
If you had a blood test when you first noticed the swollen glands you results would show it I promis.

Can I ask, did you demand a biopsy or could they just be doing a biopsy to put your mind at rest becuase you are so worried over it?

As the above post says you have probably run yourself into the ground and now you have a mild infection, glands swell even in mild infections

Also I know what you are thinking, you think you have leukemia, if you did the first sign is and I have said this before on another post EXTREME EXHAUSTION to the point where you cant lift your head.

Also the sweating is like you have wring your night pjs out, really really bad sweating.

wait for results and ill bet you will be just fine.

this is a common worry for ha :bighug1:

26-06-08, 11:21
Hello. I have 2 swollen nodes over my collar bone. They are round and I can make them move over the bone. Doc says they are little knobs of fat and nothing at all to worry about.

I also had to have a biopsy for a breast lump. That turned out to be a cyst that was drained easily and painlessly in clinic. It has not returned.

Hope this helps.

26-06-08, 16:30
if there was any thing wrong the blood test would show a high lymph count about 8
you got no worrys

18-08-08, 23:56
hi Im going through something very simular. I have swollen glands under my right armpit and big ones in my groin. I first noticed them seven years ago and have like you been for so many tests. They have never gone away and I have been told so many different things.... because i am skinny i can feel them....that they are permenantly like this as I have had glandular fever when i was a baby and they will never go down. I went travelling and the specialist told me if they get any bigger you must come home!!!! Thanks that makes me feel better!!! Well I have decided to change doctors tomorrow as i am so scared as have been coughing badley for over a year whit no apparent reason??? I want another opinion as I dont understand why they are enlarged. I have excepted they will never go down but I know there must be a reason for this and i just feel the longer I leave it the less chance I have of curing it if it is cancer.

19-08-08, 00:46
I have been to the doc for swollen glands in my neck several times!!! It's more common than we tend to think b/c we are so aware of everything little thing that we may think isn't normal. Hundreds of people have them and don't notice b/c they don't have the anxiety and worry that we do.

My doc said that they can even be fighting off infections that we don't even have symptoms for b/c they are getting at the germs from the very beginning.

I though cancer for sure the first 10 times I had them but to reassure me my doc ran several blood tests - my blood work was always fine.


19-08-08, 04:16
I tend to over analysis my lymoh nodes as well. I feel they are swollen so I go to the doctor and he says they are fine. My 2yr old son has one in his neck that has been swollen for a year. You can actually see it. I would imagine if the doctors were concerned they would be looking into it more. I know it hard not to worry but I think that everything will be fine.

19-08-08, 07:01
Yep, as the others have said, the blood tests would have shown high or low white blood cell count or other abnormal counts if it was anything serious, so try not to worry too much.:) Swollen lymph nodes can be caused by all sorts of different things, usually an infection, and sometimes you might not even be aware that you've got one.
Lymph nodes can stay slightly enlarged for some time after you've had an infection and sometimes you can have one or more that never go back to their orginal size. The one under my right ear has been bigger than the one on the left since I was a teenager (I'm now in my thirties) and I'm still here :). I had a few ear infections in my teens in my right ear so I put it down to that (one of the few things I don't freak out about!)
You're doing all the right things in getting it checked out but if it was something serious you'd almost certainly be feeling much, much worse by now.

10-10-08, 19:07
Hey. I have a swollen node on the right side of my neck about the size of a baked bean and is movable. Its been there a while and has never changed my mum (whos a nurse) and the doctor said it was soo small that there was no need for any test . I completly freaked out at first but now i forget about it. The more you worry the more you thing omg its bigger its changed. If you keep chilled you will feel much better. Dont worry.