View Full Version : citalopram and spotting

25-06-08, 20:37

bit worried but seeing my cnp tomorrow some quick advice wanted.

just started taking citalopram 2 days ago, but tonight ave noticed am a bit crampy and had a bit spotting. had me period last week, and never really had mush spotting before

have been under the gynea deptment for pain but not particularly anything else

any advice greatful

25-06-08, 22:02
just mention it to your cpn and see what they say.
hormones can be affected by stress so the change in body chemisty has probably caused it.
i crashed my car a few years ago and i had spotting then even tho i'd not long had my period - i think it was caused by stress as i wasn't injured at all -just upset about writting off my car :-(