View Full Version : Blood rush to the head

25-06-08, 20:58
Hello everyone,

This symptom has been bothering me for a couple of months now, when i lie down on my back if feels as though all the blood from my body is rushing to my head and face. Even if i just tilt my head back slightly it happens. I was in yoga on monday and we had to lie on the floor and tilt our pelvis, i felt like i was gonna explode coz of the pressure on my head and face. I am dizzy most days especially when i go from sitting to standing. My ears also ring and pulsate alot. I am also suffering alot of headaches, especially after sex! Does anyone know why?

25-06-08, 23:29

I also get really dizzy if I bend down and stand up and noticed today when I just bent my head a little bit my head pounded and I felt my ears ringing louder than usual. I do know that I have very low blood pressure. If I were you I would get my blood pressure checked. Mine is normally low so to have low blood pressure for me is normal but sometimes it dips especially low even for me and I have to watch out how fast I stand up etc. If and when you get it checked please private message me as I care how you are doing. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.


29-06-08, 13:59
Head issues are a real bother to me . . . I've had a CAT scan and MRI with negative results. I seem fine. My symptoms are very real though . . .

I feel these massive swells of pressure flush into my head, that sometimes cause my vision to pulsate . . . at 19 years of age, I am concerned.

See, all my troubles started with a head injury . . . just a bump into an open door . . . a drunken stumble. I've had a headache for about 80 days, ok, it's not so bad as it was but these have been the most trying days of my life.

Ever since that April night . . . April 12th till present.

I think I might have fractured my skull the more I think about it, the doctors think all I need is time to heal but I want the x-ray, they can compare it with a x-ray I got some 4 years ago to see if there has been a break in the area I hit my head . . . yeah, I'll try get all that done starting Monday . . .

You, Pigtailplaits seem to be suffering footballers headache, this is the one that is hitting you after sex. It's common, what you wanna do is watch your diet and not stress. The postural pressure you are feeling might be something to do with blood pressure, this might also be the source of the dizziness, or it may all be down to something you are eating . . . or not eating. Like iron or something like that.

Get yourself down to your local GP and express your concerns, glamorise your symptoms and try not to smile and joke about them or the doc with brush you off. Convey how you feel with an exagerated tinge of despair to get the attention you require. Ask to have your blood pressure taken, perhaps a blood test, maybe a referal to a neurologist - lets make sure your heads right. You know . . . splash out, it's your health we are talking about lol

Just stay calm, always be cool.

29-06-08, 14:05
I am still awaiting the result of my MRI (good job I am not an anxious person when it comes to my health).:)

But headaches are not a nice thing to have.

07-08-08, 09:40
Just wanted to know how the people in this post's heads are now and if it has gone away or they have had tests etc?

I have been having the same symptoms and I'm started to get down with it.

I have constant ringing in my ears at a fairly low level but when I have walked somewhere or done something strenuous the ringing gets louder until I sit down for a while. I am really worried there is something wrong in my head and that I am going to collapse or have a stroke or something untoward.

My blood pressure when it is taken is usually about 120/70 which is normal and has never been high really.

I generally feel so exhausted all the time time that even light exercise wipes me out and makes me ache.