View Full Version : Feeling anxious!!!!!!!!

25-06-08, 23:05
Feeling a bit low tonight and anxious.My little yorky has got to be left at the vets tomorrow all day:weep: :weep: :weep: He has got to have his teeth cleaned he may also lose some.He has to go under aneasthetic:weep:
:weep: :weep:
I hate having to leave him there and walk away and see him go off with the nurse,it breaks my heart.
Tonight he couldnt have any food after 8.00pm and he kept going to his dish and looking at me and crying,its like he was being punished.I will be worried all day tomorrow:scared15: :weep: :weep:

25-06-08, 23:22
My cats have to have their teeth cleaned every year and have both been fine so far.

Try not to worry as it will just stress you more.

Trust the vets and he will be back home soon

25-06-08, 23:26
Hi ellen, I know exactly how you feel, both my cats have this done and also my dog, they are always fine but i worry all the time then afterwards think what was I worried about, take care, do something nice for yourself, its easy to say dont worry but I know you will, we all do.Things will be finexxx

26-06-08, 03:51
I've been here many a time with the pets and it never gets easier but unlike us they soon forget and don't bear a grudge, and you can make it up to him by giving him Lots of TLC when he gets home!

Just keep busy today and the time will fly by.:hugs:

26-06-08, 09:14

My cat has had this done a few times, please try not to worry.

:hugs: mandie x

26-06-08, 10:20
Don't worry hun he will be great :) and when he comes home he will have clean and happy teethys lol

Huggles hun

26-06-08, 11:39
Thanks everyone.
Took Ollie in at 9.40,he had to see the vet first.He told me Ollie has quite a bad gum infection,so he needed to stay in.It broke my heart when the nurse took him off me.:weep:

I went straight to the pet shop and bought him a toy for when he comes home,but I also had to buy Buddy a toy to,as you cant go home with a toy for one and not the other.:wacko:

I took Buddy fro a long walk,but its strange just taking the one dog!!!!
The hours seem to be so slow.
Thanks for the support.:hugs: :hugs:

26-06-08, 11:41
Hope Ollie is fine and that you soon have him back home.

26-06-08, 14:11
hi ellen
im sure ollie will be ok hun. i know they are a worry arnt they
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :bighug: :bighug:

26-06-08, 16:53
He's home:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Picked him up at 4.00pm.He is very wobbly and crying bless him.They didnt have to remove any teeth but he has gingivitis.I have some treatment to put in his water and antibiotics.

Im so pleased to have him home.Thank you to everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

26-06-08, 21:11
Awww glad he is home and ok

love mandie x