View Full Version : Palpatations

25-06-08, 23:14
I have been having flutters in my chest about 7-10 times in the last 48 hours, worrying me alot whch then of course fuels them im sure:blush:

My mum and one of my friends said they are totally normal and nothing to worry about. I had a stressful day yesterday, 6 hours in the airport with my 3 children and i hate flying so was rather stressed. Since then my worrying is quite heavy and I am very tired out.

Can anyone reassure me they don't mean anything is wrong?

25-06-08, 23:26
Try this .....


and this .......


25-06-08, 23:49
Thanks Nic.

26-06-08, 00:03
I've had periods of time over the years when I get heart palpitations. They feel awful, but truly are completely harmless. Another wonderful "benefit" from having anxiety. :wacko: And it sure sounds like you just had a LOT of stress!!!

26-06-08, 10:13
Thanks, as long as I know for sure they are harmless I am sure they will subside.

I agree with you they are not nice at all, not had them for a while now.

I have just had a holiday away in France, we had a lovely time but we had a car accident and my daughter came out in a rash one night so a couple of things to make my anxiety surface.

29-06-08, 07:48
Has anyone else had these and been reassured by their GP that they are normal? I am still having them a few times a day.

29-06-08, 09:55
Hi Libby
Isufferd for 2 years with bad palpitations, in that time i had 2 ecgs and 2 full blood tests, all came back normal, my gp did put me on betablockers and they did hekp me, i came off them after 9 months, i do still get them but not very often thank goodness, they can be very frightening, but usually they are harmless, have a chat to your gp and he might suggest the betablockers if they are causing you so much worry.
Take Care POLLY XX

29-06-08, 12:07
Thanks Polly,

I think if I knew for sure they were nothing to worry about id relax and accept them.

29-06-08, 14:00
Libby hun, im sure that its nothing to worry about, but do go and see your gp and youl see, he will put your mind at rest

29-06-08, 15:33
Thanks polly,

I will try and go next week.

29-06-08, 19:31
Hiya Libby
Just wanted to check and see how you are feeling hun, have the palpitations calmed down yet??

29-06-08, 19:50
Yes they just come and go, they are not constant.

I am very tired today and been run down lately, I am getting no more than 4-5 hrs sleep at night thanks to my kids so that isn't helping. Last night I only got 3.5 hrs:-(

29-06-08, 19:52
Meant to say thank you for asking:-)

30-06-08, 17:12
If you look at some of my old posts you'll see the terrible time I had with EXTREME palpitations. Needless to say had every test under the sun and they eased up when my anxiety did.

I feel for you so much and I know its easier said than done but try not to worry- it just makes them worse

Siobhan x

01-07-08, 13:12
Thanks Siobhan,

What did your GP say about palpatations? are they normal/nothing to worry about?

I had bloods done last month for another reason, I wasn't having my palps then.

I am going to try and see my GP next week anyway just to get some reassurance but I am sick of going there, had to go a few weeks ago because of a lump I found. I hate going because they look at you like you are worrying over nothing. I just know my GP will say its my anxiety because he knows I worry about my health.