View Full Version : feeling scared!

21-04-05, 15:27
hiya me again, wondering if anyone can help me. for the last 4weeks i've been having tightness in my chest when i wake up sometimes both my breasts hurt or sometimes it changes to one or the other-feeling really scared had 4 ecgs all normal apart from heart rate a bit fast given propanolol last week to stop the palps but has'nt worked yet. having an angina test tomorrow (i'm only 35) really scared! went to the shops today and felt tightness in my chest and felt scared. would'nt mind but all this started when my eyes went funny and thought i was going to pass out or die about 4months ago had blood tests all ok. ps for the last four months all i've thought about is this aniexty thing. can anyone help x

21-04-05, 15:38
its good that you're having the tests, at least they can rule out anything medical and put your mind at rest that your heart is ok. I know that I get chest pain when very stressed as when u r anxious you are very tense esp across your chest. Have you tried doing some sort of relaxation? I have a tape I listen to sometimes which really helps..
good luck with the appt, i hope it can relieve some of your worries.. and try to relax.. i know its hard..
take care,

21-04-05, 16:03
thank you! when i look back on my life in the last 5 years it makes sense that its anixety. my mum died and 4 other relatives, my boyfriend left me 4 my mate, i met someone else bought a house(which i hated, the house that is) got married, 9/11 happen (which scared me, that i drank so if we where bomed at least i was drunk. drank about 4 bottles of red a week and smoked (my mum died of acholol related illness, so i was scared that it would happen to me. i changed jobs, was bullied but got thougth that then we moved again 40 miles away which i hated the area and job).my eyes used to go funny and feel that i was going to pass out. then my dad become ill with heart problems so we moved back home. sold my house and my dads so we can all move in 2 gether and got the job of my dreams, then all this happens.sorry 4 going on but i'm so scared x

21-04-05, 16:04
hi there,

i have problems with my eyes as alot do on here. the notice floaters, the slightly off vision, causes dizzyness and headaches, but thats all they are as you get anxiuos your body secrets chemicals for fight and thats why the eyes, hearing and some many other things go into overdrive.

im sure your tests will be just fine and once anything medical is ruled out just learn to accpet the symptons for what they are and when you accpet them they ease, and so does the anxiety and then they ease further and so on and so forth.

good luck


21-04-05, 16:16
dont be sorry! - thats what we are all here for.. I'm sure you'll be giving the advice soon!! Its not surprising you are suffering with anxiety with what you have been through!! be kind to yourself, you have coped really well.. Like doddy said, when you start to accept the way you are at the moment and all the feelings that come with it, it lessens your anxiety gradually.. It will improve though, you have to believe it yourself.. just take some time out for yourself and read a good book or whatever you enjoy, but most of all try to relax.. you will be fine - in time.. accept it for now, you are not alone..

21-04-05, 22:32
Dont apologise for how you feel, it is quite common with anxiety and we are all here to help you. Just remember it is anxiety and nothing more serious than that. I know it is hard to handle but in time you will learn to control it and i hope we can help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-04-05, 22:45
thanks, i hope nothing is wrong with my heart i will let u all know tomorrow how it all turns out x

21-04-05, 22:48
Great and we look forward to hearing how you are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-04-05, 00:16
Hi JWonka,

sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I agree with Lucy and doddy about the anxiety starting immediately upon waking. I have noticed my breathing be affected as soon as I become even slightly awake.

Anyway, best of luck with the tests.


22-04-05, 10:34
Best of luck for today im sure everything will be fine. I still get chest pains but ive learned to ignore them.

22-04-05, 11:07
Hi JW,
Sorry to hear that going through it. Hope all goes well with the doctors, you'll have to let us know how you get on.
I agree with Doddy, the body does some strange things to you when your like this.
Take care

with good wishes


22-04-05, 11:35
hi everyone1[8D] just had my angina test, they say i have a heart of a 25 yr old(i'm 35, smoke,drink to much,no exercise) did the treadmill for 10 mins and i did'nt even break into a sweat and i talked all the way through it. my 24 ecg was fine and my 24 hour bp to although i do have slightly high bp but i knew that. doc says that there can't b anything wrong with me after those tests so i will have to keep beliving it. but i can'nt belive that aniexty can make u soo ill u r just so ill with it!! x ps thanks everyone 4 their support x

22-04-05, 11:44
ps again. 4got to say my heart doc also has missed heart beats , can here his own heartbeat and these types of aches and pains and he says he has never thought about having an ecg or anything done because its quite normal and nothing to worry about and when were suffering from aniexty it makes us more aware. hope this can reasure people . he is a heart doc. x

22-04-05, 14:26

Great that you have a healthy heart .. go and and enjoy it. Any pains you get now -you can ignore and just carry on what yoiu were doing and do not even entertain any thoughts about heart diseases now .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-04-05, 17:27
Hi JWonka,

that is great news. I know I've said it before but more exercise REALLY helps. I started just by walking 20 mins a day. I always thought I had no time for exercise until I felt so bad with anxiety. At this point I shifted my life around to revolve around my health.

I now have reached the stage where if I don't exercise for a few days I feel anxiety building up (and it can be so slow that you don't notice it at first)

Anyway, less preaching. Have fun.


22-04-05, 19:00
Great news

Let's hope you can stop worrying now and enjoy life again to the full.


23-04-05, 13:23
hiya again sorry 4 being a pain but now i no its not my heart i still get these really bad pains across my chest and my breasts are really hurting with bachache too, can it b my lungs? my doc has listen to them and they sound fine but can they really tell that just by listeing to them? x

23-04-05, 19:18
From listening to them he can tell if they're clear, whether there is any obstruction, infection, congestion, inflammation, anatomical problems, equal in all 6 lobes.....

There are of course things that he cannot tell but these causes would have another symptom or two.

I suggest that you do some stretching and exercise as with anxiety its likely to be tension in the chest muscles.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-04-05, 19:25
thanks meg, i'll try to stop worrying but i find it so hard that aniexty can make u feel so ill x