View Full Version : No sleep oh yet again!!

26-06-08, 01:14
Howdy folks
Yes it's me again at 1am after only been in bed about an hour and a half,the panic seems to be happening earlier and earlier ,I might as well sleep downstairs the way things are going. My father died a long time ago when I was 11 yrs old and he died in the night of a heart attack in his sleep whilst working abroad in Africa. The gp thinks my subconscious is making me anxious in the early hours because of this (we think he died about 2am our time) and it makes some sense as I usually feel a bit better roundabout 4 or 5 oclock. Does anybody think the gp may be right? I have my doubts as why didn't this happen yrs ago? why now? I really think i'm in trouble here,thank god i'm seeing a counsellor soon,I will tell her all this and see what happens. In the meantime I'm feeling crap and very tired and very very worried,what if the gp is wrong and I have something wrong with my heart? help?
mothermac xx

26-06-08, 02:20
Hi mothermac

Your gp is prolly right, you can have problems many years after a traumatic event in ya life. Also hun there's nothing wrong with ya heart, if there was you would get these symptoms all day every day, not just at around 1am.

I know early hours of the morning are the most anxious, dark outside, everyone else asleep, then you start feeling a bit better around the time it starts getting light.

It's 2.20am now, you're not here so I hope that you are asleep.

Things will get better, take care.


28-06-08, 05:09
My anxiety started after my dad passed of a heart attack. The panic attacks and health anxiety came on strong and fierce and I was only 14. To this day I still have to fight with them all the time.
Defintely see a counsellor and work through the trauma. Medications may help as well.
Good luck, I hope things get better soon.

28-06-08, 06:52
Hi there

Im sorry your going through a difficult time . I just wanted to say Im here and to give you a hug and hope things improve for you:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .

Losing a parent is most probably one of the hardest things we have to andour and may never come to except.

love to you

28-06-08, 17:18
Just wanted to say i agree with your GP, I have awfull breathing problems, and i lost my mum to lung cancer 6 years ago, and my councellor said exactly the same thing to me about it being in the subconcious, hope this little bit of info is of some help to you
Take Care POLLY XX

28-06-08, 18:18
I have my doubts as why didn't this happen yrs ago? why now? I really think i'm in trouble here,thank god i'm seeing a counsellor soon,I will tell her all this and see what happens. In the meantime I'm feeling crap and very tired and very very worried,what if the gp is wrong and I have something wrong with my heart? help?
mothermac xx

If your GP says it's anxiety not your heart, trust your GP ;)

And yes, what everyone else said - it wouldn't make sense for heart symptoms to come on at night and go away when it gets light. The fact you're panicking is the relevant thing (and panic attacks very commonly make people worry there's something wrong with their heart, but it's the adrenaline rush due to panicking which makes for those unpleasant feelings).

The GP's hypothesis seems very likely. I think it's pretty common for psychological traumas to be buried very deep, and maybe it is coming closer to consciousness (in this indirect way) now because you might be more ready to deal with the unresolved feelings from that time. But you can talk that through with the counsellor.

*hugs* Yeah, it feels crap so look after yourself and coddle yourself like you do when you're physically ill. And make allowances for the lack of sleep, which will make you feel less able to deal with things in itself. So just soothe and be kind to yourself, and let you and the counsellor work it through as a team.
