View Full Version : Concentration problem

26-06-08, 01:28
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to maintain concentration? I have a deadline looming but I just can't seem to concentrate for any length of time. I'm having trouble with reading, just can't seem to remember anything no matter how many times I've read it. Writer's block is also another problem I have. My progress is very slow and I'm becoming even more anxious. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Lots of hugs xxx

26-06-08, 03:34
They say the harder you chase after a word you can't remember, the harder it is to find it because it keeps running away.

I find if I get a block, I try not to fight it but instead try to forget it. I then find that as soon as I'm say in the shower when I've forgotten what I was trying to think of, all the words flood back which is a bit frustrating because it's difficult to write them down in the shower!...but it works!

I think though that anxiety is like that. The harder we try to do or think of something we're having trouble with, the more frustrated and tense we become, and then our minds start to panic with anxiety so we lose concentration.

I kind of think of like OCD. We go to lock something but have to re-check. When we re-check, we hear something that distracts us so we have to re-check again. We then get an intrusive thought so we have to check again. We then become so concerned about what's going on around us and what we're thinking about that we become too anxious to concentrate on what we wanted to check in the first place.

The best way I find is to "walk away" from an obstacle. Give the mind a break to relax and then when it's emptied, the concentration returns and it becomes easier to tackle whatever confronts us.

I find popping to the loo, making a cuppa, getting some fresh air, watching a bit of TV or listening to music frees the mind from obstructions and allows the right thoughts and concentration level to return.

When I'm typing on here, I'm nearly always playing music without words. Words distract me but plain music I find relaxes me so I can keep my concentration. Time flies by.:hugs:

26-06-08, 06:30
The music is a great idea...When I was at uni studying for an exam I would put on different music for each subject and when I was stuck in the exam I would recall the tune and believe it or not the words I needed for my exam came flooding back....ok the down side is when ever I hear the music on the radio it still floods back lol