View Full Version : need help

21-04-05, 16:42
Have been browsing here for a while and find it very reassuring to see others with the same problems.
Was wondering in anyone experinces long-lasting facial numbness- I get it even when I wouLd say I'm not in a fullblown panic situation. Usually one sided, and associated with tingling in half my mouth, and what I think of as spams in my neck- my neck goes all tight on one side, and then the numbness spreads up my face, and around my ear, giving me a feeling of fullness in my ear, and recently ringing noises. The numbness can last hours or days, and only seems to go if my neck and shoulders relax, so I assume it's caused by tension. I assume this but I guess I don't belive it, and this is at the root of all my struggles with anxiety- I can't believe that such a diverse bunch of symptoms is stress related.
I suffer from panic disorder, residual ocd symptoms and fibromyalgia ( an ME like syndrome which can lead to anxiety which started after a fall)- my Gp says the latter is just another psychiatric illness, so I have given up going so feel somewhat alone.
Any help gratefully received and thanks for reading.

21-04-05, 18:21

Acceptance of how you are has to start to come before you will start to improve as currently you are encouraging yourself to be anxious by struggling against your symptoms.

A massage sounds like it could help relieve this tension.

Numbness: Numbness in arm (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2671)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

21-04-05, 22:50

Megs advice has being great and i hope you have checked out what she suggested. It is common and many off us have felt it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-04-05, 11:08
Hi Atkin,
Sorry to hear that you're experiencing these horrible symptoms.
When I was at the height of my anxiety a couple of months ago, I too experienced this numbness & tingling down the left-hand side of my face, head & neck. This didn't usually last for longer than an hour, but I did also experience constant numbness, aching & tingling in my left arm & lower leg for about 3 weeks. I too found it extremely hard, when I was so worried, to convince myself that the symptoms were anxiety-related.
I eventually went to the doctor, who put me on Cipralex. The medication helped me to, for the first time, be in a calmer frame of mind where I could look at the symptoms rationally & actually think about other things. And they went. Because this happened I now know for sure that they were anxiety-related. I do still get them, but no longer constantly, so even though they're unpleasant, if I ignore them, they go away. So I totally believe that the symptoms you're experiencing are anxiety-related. The key to stopping them is to, like Meg said, accept them. Try to distract youself with other things and you will notice that when you've not been focussing on the symptoms, they weren't even there.
Take care,
K x x

22-04-05, 13:22
thanks for the words of help and encouragement. I know deep down it si anxiety related, but when it comes on, or when a new symptom appears( I 'm a great one for symptom shifting) it is so hard to hold on to that belief. I am attending a relaxation course at my local hospital and it is helping, albeit very slowly. I guess as it toook half a lifetime to get like this, I shouldn't expect an overnight miracle( but we all do, don't we?).

22-04-05, 14:31
Absolutely right Deb.

You keep at it .

Great that your hospital does a relaxation course.

Which hospital ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-04-05, 17:19
Westmorland general- the psychiatric department there very good- runs lots of cbt based courses, as well as relaxation courses. I'm booked in for an anxiety managment course there soon- I do go regularly to see my cbt therapist but we both agree that the group work much more beneficial as seeing others with similar problems does put it into perspective- we can't all be on verge of MS, tumour or imminent heart attack.