View Full Version : I cant talk to my friends..

26-06-08, 15:59
i just cant speak to my friends about this.
ive tried..but it all comes out wrong, and i can see them just staring at me not knowing what to say..like im making it all up..like im not ILL because they cant SEE that i am..:weep:
they tell me all of their problems, and i always listen, always try and do what i can to help, i just could never sit back and watch them go through things on their own..but i feel like i dont get anything back? I need support sometimes, sometimes I'M the one needing that hug and that little text to brighten up my day..
why dont they see that i need help too ? :weep:
im so alone =[=[

26-06-08, 16:30
This is commen these days when it comes to people close to you sometime thay can over look real needs and feeling i just wish we call could be support by one another i am one of these whom thing peace is a good idea :)
your not alown you have use there many people out there just feel the same and i am sure other NMP members would agree.

Huggles xxx


26-06-08, 17:14
I agree!
We're all here for you. Just blurt it all out! :)
Unfortunately we can't send you that little text to brighten up your day, but that doesn't mean in any way that we're not thinking of you!
I mean, it's 5.15pm right now, and i'm thinking of you, and you don't even realise!!! :)
Take care

Anna C
26-06-08, 19:20
This is definitely the place to have a rant and to pour your heart out if you need to, and I think it helps you feel better.

Could you try explaining to your best friend how bad it is for you, and if that doesn't work tell her. Tell her when you need a hug. Or when she's not there you text her and tell her you could do with some support.
I know you might think you shouldn't have to tell them they should just support you anyway, but they mightn't know what to say or do.

Unless you have suffered from anxiety you can't understand how horrible it feels and how lonely and isolated it can make you feel.

Take Care Anna

26-06-08, 20:16
Why do all the topics mix in to one as with my depresson have 90% of the time i get a little of the rest all the time and then sometiem BANG i get really bad and if it was not for others to talk to i would lose it cos sometime i think would look at me and ya to them selfs or its in his head.
so come rant we all can help and join in :)

26-06-08, 21:14
aww you lot are lovely :) :hugs:
always thinking of you lot too, my fellow like minded people! LOL
:hugs: :hugs:

26-06-08, 22:49
hay hun.
dont worry about it u have made a new friend now and ill always be there 4 u at ur highs and lows lol!
my m8s were all the same like u say i always tryed to help my m8s when they needed me, but when i needed them i didnt get nothing in return!
harsh to say people like that are not really your friends!( ive lernt that the hard way)
take care xxx:yesyes:

26-06-08, 22:52
hi there,
can i just say i know how u feel i have the same problem people jus think oh its just him being paranoid but they dont realise how it affects you, i would suggest seeing if your g.p has an anxiety therapy session when you get 3 free anxiety self help classes and they just listen and let you go through how your feeling and get everything off your chest worthwhile looking into. remember and ask though coz i seen my g.p for 2 years before i seen a doc who suggested these 1 hour long sessions. defo helped x
good luck

27-06-08, 00:03
Bird, it may be that some of your friends want to understand, but they have no point of reference to help them relate to what you are going through.

It is sometimes very difficult to find the words to convey to someone who has never had a panic attack or lived with a constant level of anxiety just what you are feeling inside and what it does to your ability to interact with the world.

My best friend does his level best to understand by trying to relate what I tell him to something in his experience. I remember on one occasion he mentioned an episode where he felt trapped in a small space and began to feel faint and lightheaded. I told him, "now, multiply what you felt by ten and you have an idea of what I live with every waking moment. Multiply that by a hundred and you will have an idea of what is going on inside of me when I have a panic attack".

It may not have been a wholly accurate way to convey my condition, but it did give him some sense of the seriousness of my illness.

I've had to realize that sometimes I must take the bull by the horns and tell people what I need at that moment. If it is a hug, then I say so. If I need to vent without someone offering me solutions, then I say so. If I need total peace and quiet for a short period of time, I say so. Some of my friends have said this helps them, because they want to help, but have no idea what to do without making the situation worse.

27-06-08, 00:11
i know how you feel exactly,you are always expected to be the strong one who other people confide in.its quite a compliment really when you think about it.but when it all goes quiet and your left with your solitude you realise you need a hug to and reassurance that everythings going to be ok,so heres a big hug for you from me and dont worry every little thing is gonna be ok(i think i just stole that from bob marley):hugs: