View Full Version : Self Esteem Issues

26-06-08, 16:06
soo..do you think my lack of self esteem is linked to my panic attacks and anxiety?
im always worried about what people will think of me, how i look, and what i say..

i remember being bullied slightly when i was younger, people calling me ugly, this got worse when i got to secondry school, and a group of boys called me ugly and disgusting..and that i look like "the back of a dogs arse"
i remember those words exactly..and i remember them pushing me over and making fun of me..

ive had the attacks all of my life..so i know they werent triggered by this..but im wondering if it could 'feed' the anxiety slightly?
i also look for appreciation from men alot of the time, and i think this could be linked to this..?? :weep:

:shrug: MEH!

26-06-08, 16:25

Me again :blush: . Yes, I do think your anxiety can be linked to these issues. I also don't think you see what we see in the mirror. You are a beautiful young woman. What a shame you don't see it. I too have suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember. I do only remember being bullied for one year in school though. It was quite awful. I was sooo shy and never fulfilled my full potential until college what you all call university. My guess is you have not yet had the opportunity to blossom. Once you do, you will feel much better about yourself. You will gain the self-confidence you need to go out in the world and give it all you've got.

I have never believed that in a relationship you are half and the man makes the other half and together you are one. I think you have to be a whole person before it will really work. You need to feel good about yourself and that if you never found another person you would be okay with that and could be happy just with yourself. That you like who you are. Then and only then can you find your love, your friend for life. Easier said than done I know but if you can manage to do it this way you will be truly happy together.

Trying to find happiness only in a man's eye will eventually bring sadness. Look within yourself to find the fulfillment to boost your self-esteem.:hugs:

Take care,


milly jones
27-06-08, 14:59
hi birdy

i have low self esteem thru childhood experiences too.

i cant see what others see in me

all i can say is that beautiful young lady who passed her driving test in those photos, well, id love to look like u hun

love milly xxxx

27-06-08, 15:12
..and me again!

I was bullied for many years at school for being fat, ugly with goofy teeth. I was beaten daily, i was spat at, hit, kicked, punched, ciggies put out on me, bag emptied, clothes stolen..i had it all. That was many years ago, although all the bullying created my eating disorder and my BDD. Since then i have ALWAYS been the "ugly" friend, all my friends would get the fellas and i would get laughed at. I have been told throughout my life that i am s*it, that i am not good enough, that i am a burden and a waste of space, that i am a bad mother, that i have never achieved anything, i am a failure, everything i do is criticised, my father has nothing to do with me (mum and dad split when i was four), but he speaks to my sister regulary, i am told at my job that i am unattractive and i get the pee taken out of me alot.

I don't think my panic attacks came from being bullied, obviously i have had low self esteem issues because of it and i've never had anyone tell me any different, i've never ever in my life been praised or told well done for anything i have done.

If i had self esteem would i be any different? Who knows - i doubt it.
