View Full Version : Feel like catching breath....

26-06-08, 22:02
Im having a hard day today. :emot-crying:

Got adrenaline in stomach just below heart & i feel like I need to catch breath. Its not nice. Like if you just done some exercise like a jog or something.

Anyone else get this?? Is it just anxiety???

28-06-08, 05:07
Usually it is just the anxiety which is a good and bad thing. The other night I felt as though someone was sitting on my chest, it was horrible. I rushed to my doctors the next day only to find out all was well and that chances are great it was just the anxiety. It is hard to believe sometimes especially when it comes out of nowhere. But the adrenaline switch in our bodies just doesnt know when to turn off and on, it is all out of whack.
When you feel this way, sit in a quiet dark room and listen to your breathing. Take big breaths in through your nose feeling your belly rise and out through your nose right down into the belly. Concentrate on your breathing. Sometimes we tend to overbreath or have too shallow of breaths which can cause this feeling as well. Learning breathing techniques is an excellent way to help.
Hope you feel better soon!

28-06-08, 06:56
Hi there

I read your post and thought thats how I feel and had a day of it yesturday. Mine is most definately linked with my anxiety and panic probs.

Is there anything anyone has taught you to help this or are you aking meds.

There is so much out there to help but I know we are all different and not everything works for all.

Hope you find something to help
take care of you

28-06-08, 16:24
Hi Mothermac here,I do get this feeling of breathlessness a lot especially at night when I'm in bed lying down and it drives me nuts, I think that is why I am losing so much sleep at the moment( I only had about 3 hrs last night because I could hear my own heartbeat again.) If you had anything wrong you would have known by now so it most definitely is the anxiety,another np member told me to drink really cold water with ice when I got palpitations so it may help with your tight feeling in chest,take care and I hope you feel better soon.
Mothermac xxxxxx

28-06-08, 17:00
Just thought id let you know that i also suffer from what i call cant breath properly syndrome lol, and just like smudgie i to had a day of it yesterday that was carried on from the night before, not a nice feeling and very frightening when it happens, but just wanted to say that your not on your own on this one and feel free to pm me if you want to chat
Take care