View Full Version : Fibroids and Prolapse!!!!(not for the guys)

26-06-08, 22:19

Just after some advice etc:blush:

Some years ago I was diagnosed with a fibroid on the neck of my cervix, after finding correct meds me and it seemed to be able to live with each other:D

Im going thru the change and my last proper period was last September:D

Until 2 nights ago:wacko:

I bled like a pig and was in agony with dreadful dragging sensation in my pelvis:whistles:

Well today I was so bad hubby insisted the doctor came out(I dont do doctors as a rule)

She examined me and said I have a prolapsed uterus:wacko:

She has given me a painkiller called diflocenic which renders me incapable of keeping food down:mad:

I have to go for an internal next week and then to see a gyne:blush:

Luckily I dont have health anx as such but was wondering if anyone can relate to this:shrug:

Thanks for reading

Kaz x x x:hugs:

milly jones
27-06-08, 14:55
no hun sorry

but just wanted to send u a hug

hope thats ok

milly xxxxx

27-06-08, 14:58
Sorry to hear that Kazz,what us girls have to go through aye:lac:

Sending you a hug.:bighug1:

28-06-08, 10:58
Kazzie I can't relate to it at the mo hun but I will be on my guard for undercarriage problems from now on. :unsure:

Bits always seem to be dropping off as we get older don't they - I'm forever chasing my boobs and saying 'oh no you don't' as they try and fall out of my bra!!!:mad:

Hope you get it sorted soon mate. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

29-06-08, 12:53
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

Lol Piglet:D

Im not really around at the mo cos this is making me sooooo ill:mad:

I had a severe allergic reaction to the diclofenic and was so sick I have ripped muscles in chest and back:wacko:

Never known pain like it:scared15:

Not eaten for 4 days now till this morning:wacko:

Havent even been well enough to see my new Grandson for the first time, just been in bed mostly:mad:

Take care all

Kaz x x x:hugs:

29-06-08, 18:19
Kazzie I tore a muscle last week too and was in agony and painkillers didn't touch it (I was even having to sleep sat up).:weep:

What worked for me was the homeopathic remedies of arnica 30c and rhus tox 30c with an ice pack applied to the painful area every 3/4 hours for about 2/3 days (I just used a pack of frozen spicy wedges actually wrapped in a teatowel).

I always buy homeopathic stuff from www.ainsworths.com (http://www.ainsworths.com) but if I needed it urgently I would buy Weleda brand which they sell at healthfood shops.

You can also buy arnica cream and/or rhus tox/ruta cream to apply to the area too which helps.

Homeopathy doesn't usually contradict with other medicines but just check when you are buying. If someone could get you arnica tomorrow you could start with that and then perhaps order the rhus tox from ainsworths to try in a few days. I took quite a few doses of arnica the first couple of hours of being in pain then took it down to 6 doses a day for this last week and added in the rhus tox a few days later.

It helped no end compared to my normal painkillers not helping it all.

Love Piglet :flowers:

29-06-08, 22:56
Thanks Piglet:hugs:

Been told to take anadins:blush:

Just as well eat smarties:ohmy:

Will give those ideas a go!!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs:

29-06-08, 23:11
hugs kaz and hope u get sorted out too :hugs:

02-07-08, 15:31
Oh no what a nightmare.:sad: I know a few people who've had this and it's not pleasant. I hope you get it sorted and feel better soon.

03-07-08, 10:02
Are you feeling any better Kaz???:hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

03-07-08, 22:59

My mum has the prolapse thing..... she now has a ring fitted so she doesnt have to have an op.

She had that dragging feeling, etc but seems much better now.

Hope u feel better soon

Claire xxx

04-07-08, 14:03
Thanks everyone:hugs:

Im feeling a bit better now but very anemic

Off to the docs in a bit to see where we go from here:ohmy:

Sorry Ive not been around for anyone for days:lac:

Kaz x x x:hugs: