View Full Version : need advice

27-06-08, 01:13
i have had bad anxiety for over a week now and have just been taking lorazepam....my doc gave me cipralex but i am scared to take them because i heard that your anxiety will get worse and i am not sure i can handle that! any suggestions?

27-06-08, 09:38
hi lissa,

sorry to hear your not well xxxxx

i take cipralex and in my case they have been brilliant.

i dont think they will make your anxiety worse, but you will have side effects until they get into your system and start working.
this usually lasts for about 2 weeks, but they will fully work after about 6 weeks.

for your anxiety, are you relaxing, because i truly believe that half an hour 'me time' everyday will help reduce your anxiety...also deep breathing, this helped me when i was really ill.

i hope you will be feeling better soon, this don't last forever, believe me. xxxxx

lots of love dawny xxxxx

27-06-08, 13:17
Does your anxiety pick on you at certain times of the day ? For instance, yesterday morning I was crying. Then through the afternoon and evening I picked up a lot. I even smiled last night. This morning absolutely dreadful. Sick, tears, shakes, sweating everything.
Anyhow, hope you get better soon.

28-06-08, 01:17
thanks a lot dawny....the thing that scares me the most is that this feeling will never go away....i am going to start taking the cipralex tonight..wish me luck!!!!

28-06-08, 01:18
hey binashubby...
yeah i find that my anxiety tends to get worse for about an hour in the evening, when i break down and start crying and cant seem to stop....but the last couple of days have been better, and i am keeping a positive attitude!

28-06-08, 13:42

i promise you will get better......

nothing stays the same, i know i have been where you are....one day you will enjoy life again, its a hard struggle, i wont lie, looking back at the last couple of years, i thought i would never live a normal life again, but i am.

just accept that for now you are poorly, but keep trying to live your life as normal and day by day you will feel better.

good luck, i am wishing you well.

dawny xxxxx

28-06-08, 13:43
Hi Lissa,
Last night I didn't feel too bad. Thought I had things sorted, but about 4 in the morning terrible, 7am crying to my wife. I don't know what to do.

28-06-08, 19:50
hi binashubby,

are you taking any kind of medication?

stay strong, lissa

28-06-08, 20:35
i have to ask, do any of ou take cipralex for just anxiety? i dont really have any depression and i am not sure if i should take the cipralex for anxiety only.....any suggestions?

28-06-08, 21:21
Hi Lissa,
No, I am not on anything apart from 'heavy lifting in the gym'. My doctor says that he isn't one for giving pills as they are the wrong way to go and can cause more problems than the worth, especially as I am already on tablets for open heart surgery - warfarin etc. Most of the pills will affect the warfarin, which will in turn cause more stress and anxiety. And he also said that the pills just mask the problem, and when you come off them, the problems may still be there, so best to tackle them as you see them no matter how frightening they may be. I have been told that I might be allowed to try 5 HTP's if my condition doesn't improve.