View Full Version : Please Reassure me

27-06-08, 09:03
Hi Everyone

I am really worrying today. When I brushed my teeth last night there was some blood mixed in with the toothpaste. I have such a phobia about my throat bleeding that it sent me into a complete panic. I'm sure I must have made my gums bleed when brushing (I do have a little place that is a bit sore at the moment), the trouble is I couldn't find where it was coming from. I checked my mouth all over and couldn't see anywhere bleeding. I then convinced myself it must have come from my throat (my big fear!!). It did it a bit again this morning when I brushed them. I'm sure this sounds silly to some people (as it does my husband) but I would just like someone to tell me that they have blood mixed in with the toothpaste sometimes and DEFINATELY can't see where it's come from. :weep: xx

27-06-08, 09:20
hi vinny,

to put your mind at rest, i also bleed sometimes when i brush....

i think if it was coming from your throat then it would be there all the time, not just when you brush......so i really wouldn't worry.

have you been to the dentist, it may be worth checking your gums out.....(i said that very calmly, the dentist is one of my worst fears, so maybe you can take me with you....xxxxx)

i hope you are ok

take care


miss diagnosis
27-06-08, 09:52
go to the chemist and get yourself some corsodyl mouthwash. Sounds like u have gingivitis. happens to me all the time.

27-06-08, 10:13

I bleed sometimes when u brush my teeth. My gums are sensitive

mandie x

27-06-08, 10:15
it will be coming from your gums. You obviously got some plaque around your gum lines. You would probably benefit from a visit to the hygienist. It does happen occasionally to everyone but it shouldn't be a common thing.

27-06-08, 10:36
it happens to me now and again the dentist said to me that the first 20 seconds of brushing we tend to subconsiously brush to hard disturbing the gum and making it bleed.

He recommended to me that when I brush I start of in the front section in small circles and after 20 seconds move on to the sides, since then I have not really had a lot of problems, the mouth wash is also an excellent recommnendation.

27-06-08, 11:20
Thank you all for your replies. I fell much better now.

Take care everyone xxx

27-06-08, 13:49
Hi Vinny,

My gums bleed every time I brush my teeth! I use anti bacterial mouthwash too so I don't think I have gingivitis.

I tend to find my gums bleed from behind the teeth which can make it hard to spot most of time.

I'd go to the dentist and have it checked out if I wasn't so terrified of them lol

I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better now!


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27-06-08, 18:28
I have same problem just about everytime i brush my teeth my gums bleed...i use sensodyne now for 'sensitive gums' and ' mouthwash which seems to help. Im sure your ok.
Take care