View Full Version : somebody just kill me

27-06-08, 10:06
no one will i cant live like this i know ive ruind my life from taking drugs i just wana end my life but theres a part of me that wants to hold on but i know im going to kill my self

27-06-08, 10:11
That bit of you that wants to hold onto life is your lifeline. Don't ever let go of it and get some help. Please.

27-06-08, 10:15
i have they all keep saying its anxiteyu it will go it will go bulldust just wana die

27-06-08, 12:47
It will go if you take care of yourself and do some relaxation and eat well and the best thing ever for anxiety is exercise so try that.

Have a read of the coping page on the left for some ideas too.

This is not the place to be talking about suicide either so please don't.

28-06-08, 22:43
There is lots to live for. Anxiety is cruel and painful but we can beat it. Dont let it take over. You have the strength down inside you to beat this. there are so many people here going through the same. Talk things out, look and ask for help. Suicide is a very very selfish act and will not fix anything.

28-06-08, 22:50
hiya nicola is right exercise is great and will make u feel better if u keep it up, do something every day. that bit of you that wants to live is keeping u going and fighting to keep u strong. dont ever giv up, we all make mistakes in life but we can get over them and move on. set yourself small goals and focus on what u do want out of life and slowly head towards that. keep to a routine every day too and dont give yourself to much thinking time, keep busy and remind yourself about your good points and be positive and just keep going things will get better. we will all try to help u here, keep posting