View Full Version : Hi---been to see my GP about my itching!!!

27-06-08, 13:43
Well after an anxious few days i decided to go and see my GP instead of sitting here worrying about it.
I made the appt for half nine this morning and was feeling sooo anxious about going---I dont think i have ever felt at ease going to the docs.
I told him that i was still having days where i was worrying about my lymphoma thing after i read on the internet last year that it is linked with itching and he said unless anything else has changed there is nothing to worry about!!He said that the itchy hands and feet that i have been having(hey and yesterday itching all over but there is no rash) is MAYBE a side effect of the tablets but he thinks more likely to be down to ANXIETY as it is a very common symptom of anxiety and also the feeling of crawling under the skin that i have been having is!!
I must add that i did have the itching thing wayyyy back in 1994 when i split with my first hubby and my GP then put me on antihistamines and said it was down to stress!!!!
Sooo it looks like it has returned.
I asked him if he thought is could be linked with lymphoma and he again said that nothing has changed, he is not concerned and that i had a perfect blood test back in DEC of last year and all was ok!!!!He said obviously to go back if it continues but he has taken me off the propranalol and put me back on PIZOTIFEN for the migraines and he said to see how the CBT goes. Due to start in 4 weeks.
I also got him to check the whites of my eyes which i am convinced look a bit yellow and he said they are fine and the tiny bit of yellow I have in the corners is down to age due to the sun!!!!!!Which is what my optician told me last Xmas!!!
SSSSSSoooooooo thank goodness i am ok but i think he must be getting sick of me. I had to go today as i honestly was getting sooo worried about the itching.
Thanks again for all the support i have on these boards___makes me feel better to know i am not alone in my anxious ways xxxxx

milly jones
27-06-08, 13:47
hey jelly

glad u feel better hun

u keep voicing ur worries and well always be here for u hun

as u are for us

take care

mills xxx

28-06-08, 04:58
So glad to hear that you are feeling better!

29-06-08, 00:18
out of interest, have you had any auto immune bloods carried out? The reason I ask is because I have recently tested positive for an auto immune condition related to the liver and jaundice of the eyes and itching are classic symptoms of this. Probably nothing but just a thought!

29-06-08, 07:44
Glad he reassured you.

29-06-08, 10:41
Well, it is a double edged sword isn't it. Reassurance is all well and good but if someone mentions something that you have experience off it is at least worth suggesting. I am not saying she has cancer, MS or ALS but that it may be worth checking for an easily treatable condition.